Wise Health Living

Can Drinking Hot Water Shrink Fibroids?

What is the Effect of Drinking Hot Water on Fibroid?

For several reasons, it is really important to know the answer to the question: “what is the effect of drinking hot water on fibroid?”

For one, fibroids are some of the scariest problems plaguing women of breeding age in the world. Many are worried that they might grow some of these “problem cells” and that these “problem cells” may go on to make conception or pregnancy very difficult for them. Even though it doesn’t happen all the time, fibroids can make it difficult for a person to get pregnant.

Many people with these issues never have children in their productive years; and though one may perform surgeries to remove these growths, many have them recur.

In this part of the world, fibroids take their toll on women’s health, making them lose weight and suffer health complications.

For the better part of it, many women are oblivious to the fact that they have fibroids growing in them and they only get to know when the damage I’d extensive or threatening their lives.

For many that have had these growths affect their ability to conceive, they have been stigmatized, and treated as second-class citizens; especially when they are married. They get to face more problems because of their inability to conceive and the expenses that come with managing and treating such conditions.

What are fibroids?

Fibroids are termed abnormal growths that form on or in the uterus and unfortunately for the sufferers, these tumours can occasionally become quite big, resulting in excruciating abdominal discomfort and irregular periods. 

Fibroids can develop as a cluster or as a single nodule (one growth). Fibroid clusters can be surprisingly as little as 1 mm or as big as 20 cm (8 inches). People have reported bigger sizes as big as a watermelon.

It is shocking to know that fibroids can be as big as watermelon in some cases. These growths may appear on the outside of the uterus, inside its main chamber, or even on its wall. The size, quantity, and placement of fibroids in and on your uterus can vary.

They typically have no symptoms or indicators at all; while some can experience some symptoms documented in the next section. Usually benign or noncancerous, the growths. There concrete reasons why fibroids grow. You could also identify fibroids as myomas, leiomyomas, and uterine myomas in the uterus.

For the sake of this discourse, we will be talking about Uterine Fibroids. Uterine fibroids, sometimes referred to as uterine leiomyomas or fibroids, are benign smooth muscle tumours of the uterus. 

Facts about fibroids in Nigeria and the world

By the age of 50, 20% to 80% of women will have fibroids. 171 million women globally were reportedly impacted in 2013. They are often discovered in the middle and later years of reproduction and they often get smaller after menopause. Genetics play a role in fibroids.

One fact that rocks the mind is that white women –in a research that compared them to black women –saw black women having a 3–9 times higher risk of having uterine fibroids.

Another frequent justification for removing the uterus surgically is uterine fibroids. According to estimates, 33.9% of females getting ultrasound scans had uterine fibroids, which is higher than the 12.1% frequency seen in Northern Nigeria.

Researchers in southern Nigeria discovered that the prevalence of fibroid was 51.9% between the ages of 26 and 35 in a retrospective eight-year (2000–2007) study.

What are the types and locations of uterine fibroids?

Your therapy depends on the size and location of your fibroids. Depending on where, how big, and how many fibroids you have, you can choose which sort of therapy will be most effective for you or even if treatment is even necessary.

There are four types of uterine fibroids, they include:

1. Subserosal fibroids

These fibroids are found on the uterus’s external surface. Here, they are known as pedunculated fibroids. They can also expand outward from the surface while still being linked by a little piece of tissue.

2. Intramural fibroids

The most typical kind of fibroids are intramural ones, which are found inside the uterus’s muscular wall. Unless they are big, they might not even show any symptoms.

3. Cervical fibroids

The cervix (uterus’ neck) wall is where cervical fibroids are found. Rarely, fibroids are discovered in the uterus’ supporting structures, which include smooth muscle tissue (such as the round ligament, broad ligament, or uterosacral ligament).

4. Submucosal fibroids

The uterine cavity is distorted by submucosal fibroids, which are found in the muscle underneath the endometrium. Even tiny tumours in this area can cause bleeding and infertility. An intracavitary fibroid is a type of fibroid with a pedunculated lesion that can go through the cervix and is seen inside the cavity.

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What are the symptoms of Uterine Fibroids?

Below are some of the symptoms of a fibroid:

  • While most women with fibroids don’t experience any symptoms, some may experience painful or irregular periods. They could press on the bladder if they are big enough, which would result in frequent urination.
  • They might also result in lower back pain or pain during penetrative sex. One or more uterine fibroids may exist in a woman’s uterus.
  • Sufferers may experience pain during sex. Fibroids that develop close to the cervix are more susceptible to pressure and impact during sex. Larger fibroids can also exert a persistent pressure that rises during intercourse, both inside the uterus and against surrounding organs.
  • Large fibroids can cause a woman to feel pressure or heaviness in her pelvic or lower abdomen. Rather than being a searing pain, this is frequently characterised as a nagging ache. It can occasionally be uncomfortable to bend over, lie face down or exercise due to the larger uterus.
  • Fibroids can cause strain on the bladder and/or intestines in women. Constipation, frequent urination, and incontinence may result from this. There is a small chance that fibroids will exert pressure on the ureters, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, which might lead to renal disease or kidney problems.
  • You may experience more vaginal discharge if you have fibroids. Under normal circumstances, this discharge is watery, but it might turn pink if there is accompanying bleeding. The feeling of heaviness in the abdomen is one of the additional signs of fibroids.
  • Fibroids may occasionally result in urine retention. The ureter may get compressed by big fibroids. Surgery is required right once to stop urine from flowing back, which might irreversibly harm the kidney on that particular side of a ureter becomes entirely pinched off.
  • That fibroid expands, fills more room, and gets heavier. As a result, you gain weight and feel bloated as your body becomes used to having the bulk inside of you. An abdomen that has several, big fibroids protruding from the uterus may seem enlarged or larger than usual.

As your hormone levels decrease after menopause, the symptoms of uterine fibroids typically stabilise or disappear.

What are the various factors that contribute to having a fibroid 

Some factors have been traced to contribute to someone developing a fibroid. They include:

a. Not having children

Many people do not wish to have kids running around them. They do not want to be responsible for a smaller person or find themselves in great satisfaction with their being alone, they believe that having children would affect their careers, dreams and life in general. 

This might give the problem cells a chance to grow and fill the space that having a baby would have filled and go on to cause complications leading to the fibroid.

b. Obesity

Being obese and overweight can be a cause of fibroid. More oestrogen is produced by fat cells, and abrupt fluctuations in hormone levels can cause fibroid development. They can be avoided by maintaining a healthy weight, eating well, and engaging in regular exercise.

Medical scientists believe that having a high BMI (Body Mass Index) or exceeding your recommended weight by 20% might cause the formation of uterine fibroids. Obesity alone, meanwhile, could not be a cause of fibroids.

c. Getting to menopause late

Typically, As menopause draws near, fibroids are more likely to develop in the later stages of ovarian development. Fibroids that develop after menopause are uncommon.

Oestrogen is essential for the growth of fibroids. Following menopause, oestrogen levels fall sharply, which typically lowers the risk of developing fibroids.

Many times, fibroids reduce in size and exhibit fewer symptoms following menopause

But coming to menopause late will keep the oestrogen coming, paving the way for fibrous cells to continue to grow. 

These cells may linger even after the person enters menopause and cause a lot of damage.

e. Early menstruation

The menarche, or first period, for most girls, occurs around the age of 12 or 13, but fibroids are more likely to form in girls whose periods begin earlier. Early menarche has been associated with a greater incidence of uterine fibroids, obesity, and diabetes, according to study findings published in the Journal of Epidemiology.

f. Having a family history of fibroids

Some genetic mutations that are inherited lead to the development of fibroids. Uterine fibroids are genetically aberrant in 50% of cases. On some chromosomes, translocations are frequently discovered. 

Your risk rises if a family member suffers from fibroids. A woman’s chance of developing fibroids is almost three times higher than usual if her mother did. 

Nevertheless, not all uterine fibroids are inherited. Additionally, lifestyle and environmental factors are important. 

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How can you diagnose uterine fibroids?

Gynaecological examinations, prenatal care, and pelvic exams can all reveal fibroids. They can also be felt during these examinations. Quite frequently, your description of heavy bleeding and other relevant symptoms may prompt your doctor to think about including fibroids in the diagnosis. In general, having frequent examinations can help one detect a fibroid.

Numerous tests can be performed to identify the size and location of fibroids as well as to confirm their presence. These tests could be:

1. Hysterosalpingography (HSG): 

This type of detailed X-ray involves injecting a contrast substance first, after which uterine X-rays are obtained. This is more frequently used for those who are also having infertility testing.

2. A CT scan: 

In this procedure, X-ray pictures are used by the computer to create a detailed image of your inside organs from various perspectives.

3. Ultrasonography: 

Using sound waves, this non-invasive imaging procedure paints an image of your interior organs. The ultrasound procedure can be carried out either transvaginally or transabdominally, depending on the size of the uterus.

4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Using magnets and radio waves produces precise pictures of your interior organs.

5. Onohysterography

In this method, a tiny catheter is inserted transvaginally and saline is administered into the uterine cavity through the catheter. With the aid of the additional fluid, your uterus may be seen more clearly than during a typical ultrasound.

6. Hysteroscopy: 

During a hysteroscopy, your doctor will look at the fibroids inside your uterus using a scope, which is a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end. The scope is inserted into your uterus after passing through your cervix and vagina.

7. Laparoscopy

Your doctor will make a small cut (incision) in your lower abdomen to perform a laparoscopy. To take a close-up look at your inside organs, a little, flexible tube with a camera on the end will be inserted.

what is the effect of drinking hot water on fibroid?

what is the effect of drinking hot water on fibroid? mild. However, drinking hot water helps to dilate blood vessels and remove toxins. As a result, the fibroids’ size is subsequently reduced.

Drinking hot water can assist the body sweat off impurities, enhance blood circulation, and remove congestion. Hot water also eases tension and encourages relaxation. Drinking hot liquids before bed might also enhance the quality of your sleep. Finally, hot water may support weight loss by increasing metabolism.

Furthermore, hot baths and hot compresses can also be beneficial. It’s not just drinking hot water that is beneficial.

Many people are of the belief that fibroids can be treated in this manner. They believe in different theories that attempt to answer the question “what is the effect of drinking hot water on fibroid”. Some of these theories believe that you can shrink these growths by drinking hot water believing that the heat will help reduce the fibroid’s size and make it less painful.

While some women discover that increasing their fluid intake also helps, others discover that reducing their intake of alcohol and caffeine has a positive impact. Finally, some women discover that using herbal supplements or pharmaceutical drugs provides them with relief.

Some of these things may help shrink fibroids but they are not a sure banker on that. They include:

You may try a few different things to decrease fibroids naturally. A few of these are:

  • Steering clear of coffee and alcohol because might make fibroids symptoms worse.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet: Make sure you get an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables while avoiding processed meals.
  • Visiting your doctor frequently: Be on time for your doctor’s visits to make sure everything is going well
  • Regularly engaging in physical activity to help keep your hormones in check helps.
  • Controlling your stress: Maintaining the equilibrium of your body depends on this.
  • Taking vitamins: Some supplements, including magnesium and vitamin D, might be beneficial.

These pointers can also help avoid fibroids.

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How then do you treat fibroids?

Depending on the size, number, and location of the fibroids as well as the symptoms they’re producing, there are many approaches to treating uterine fibroids. You might not require treatment if your fibroids aren’t giving you any symptoms. Small fibroids can frequently be ignored. 

Some persons with fibroids never display any signs or have any issues. While your fibroids will be carefully observed over time, there is no immediate need for action. 

Depending on the size or symptoms of your fibroid, your healthcare professional could advise routine pelvic examinations and ultrasounds. Your future reproductive objectives will also influence the optimal course of therapy for you.

When discussing treatment options, it is best to discuss your views on fertility and your long-term objectives with your healthcare provider. Your treatment strategy will be determined by a few elements, such as:

  • If you have any fibroids.
  • If you’re hoping to get pregnant.
  • How big your fibroids are.
  • Where the fibroids are on your body.
  • Your wish to keep your uterus.
  • What fibroids-related symptoms you are going through.

What are the treatment options for fibroids?

There is a list of options one can take to treat fibroids answering the question: “what is the effect of drinking hot water on fibroid?” they include the use of medications or surgery.

1. Treating Fibroid with medication

When treating fibroids with medications, one can use the options listed below

i. Oral therapies: 

A new oral medication called Elagolix is recommended for the management of excessive uterine bleeding in women with symptomatic uterine fibroids who haven’t gone through menopause. It has a 24-month use limit. Ask your doctor about the benefits and drawbacks of this treatment. Another option for treating cyclic heavy menstrual bleeding in adults with uterine fibroids is the antifibrinolytic oral medication tranexamic acid. Throughout this therapy, your doctor will keep an eye on you.

ii. Iron supplements: 

Your doctor could advise you to take an iron supplement if you have anaemia as a result of the excessive bleeding.

iii. Agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) 

These drugs can be administered intravenously or as a nasal spray, and they reduce fibroids. They can occasionally be used to reduce the size of a fibroid before surgery, making it simpler to remove. The fibroids might return if you stop using these drugs because they are just temporary.

iv. Over The Counter (OTC) pain relievers: 

These drugs can be used to treat the pain and discomfort brought on by the fibroids. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are two examples of OTC drugs.

v. Birth control: 

Birth control can be used to treat the signs and symptoms of fibroids, particularly cramping and excessive bleeding before, during, and after periods. The usage of birth control can aid in reducing excessive menstrual bleeding. Oral contraceptive tablets, intravaginal contraceptives, injections, and intrauterine devices (IUDs) are just a few of the birth control methods available to you.

2. Treating fibroids with surgeries

There is a list of surgeries one can undergo when treating fibroids. The kind of surgery is influenced by the size, location, and number of fibroids, but your wishes for further pregnancies may also be taken into consideration when creating a treatment plan. While other surgical procedures can either harm or remove the uterus, some preserve the uterus and allow you to conceive in the future.

Your doctor can remove the fibroids with a Myomectomy technique without harming your uterus. There are many myomectomy procedures. Depending on how many, how big, and where your fibroids are situated, you may benefit most from a certain surgery. These Myomectomy techniques include: 

i. Laparotomy

An incision is created in your belly during a laparotomy, and the fibroids are removed through this single, bigger cut.

ii. Laparoscopy: 

Your healthcare professional will perform this treatment, removing the fibroids using a scope. This treatment requires making a few tiny incisions in your belly, unlike the hysteroscopy. The scope will enter and exist in your body in this manner. Another option is to use a robot to help with this process.

iii. Hysteroscopy: 

This technique involves passing a scope—a small, flexible probe resembling a tube—through the cervix and vagina and into the uterus. During this procedure, no incisions are made. Your doctor will use the scope to cut out the fibroids during the procedure. The fibroids will then be removed by your doctor.

Your healthcare physician may suggest one of the following extra surgical procedures if you don’t intend to become pregnant again:

iv. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA

For those with bothersome uterine fibroids, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a safe and efficient therapy that can be administered laparoscopically, transvaginally, or transcervically.

v. Uterine fibroid embolisation:

Your gynaecologist collaborates with an interventional radiologist to carry out this treatment. Small particles are used to block the flow of blood from the uterine artery to the fibroids after a small catheter is inserted into the radial artery or uterine artery. Blood flow reduction causes the fibroids to contract, alleviating your discomfort.

vi Hysterectomy

Your uterus is taken out during a hysterectomy. Only a hysterectomy can remove fibroids. Your symptoms should go away and the fibroids can’t return after a total uterine removal. 

You won’t experience menopause following a hysterectomy if only the uterus is removed and the ovaries are not removed. If you have huge fibroids or are bleeding heavily from your fibroids, this surgery may be suggested. 

vii. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Focused ultrasound that is guided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to treat fibroids. In reality, this procedure is carried out while you are inside an MRI scanner. An ultrasound is used to direct focused sound waves towards the fibroids once you are put inside the machine, giving your doctor a good image of the fibroids. The fibroids are harmed by this.

In conclusion

We have found out that the question “what is the effect of drinking hot water on fibroid?” and we know now that the answer is no, though drinking water can help in some other ways. We have also found out the best ways to treat fibroids and those are the methods mentioned above.

We also would love people to know that they can still have children even if they have fibroids and hope none of them really goes down with this problem.