Wise Health Living

What is Kayan Mata

What is Kayan Mata? Everything You Need to Know About the Viral Enhancer

People have been having questions in their minds. The question, “What is Kayan Mata?” It is evident that the Kayan Mata has come to stay in Nigeria and the fact that Nigerians are very active sexually, it will stand the test of time. Nigeria is regarded as the nation with the highest level of sexual satisfaction in the world coming at the first position with a 67% sexual satisfaction rate. The country ranks 16th in the ranking of the countries in the world with the highest fertility rates.

It has also been found that Nigerians and Greeks take their time having sex, whereas Indians and French people prefer shorter sessions.

The average sex time for a Nigerian couple is 24 minutes, nearly double that of an Indian couple (13.2 minutes).

In the scheme of things, we can see that being sexually active is a norm in Nigeria. There is also peer pressure and stigmatisation of anyone who either does not like or enjoys sex or last long in bed. This phenomenon usually affects males especially when they have trouble with keeping their penises up (erectile dysfunction) or holding back their orgasms and ejaculation (quick ejaculation).  

To ensure that this does not happen, many Nigerians are keen on using aphrodisiacs and that is where the Kayan Mata phenomenon comes to play.

What is Kayan Mata?

To answer the question: “What is Kayan Mata?”, we have to go into the culture and tradition of Northern Nigeria.

In northern Nigeria, women employ a class of traditional drugs known as “Kayan Mata” as aphrodisiacs, boosters, or other methods of inducing sex. Kayan mata literally translates to mean “women’s things” but, it has now been included to involve herbs or potions used by women -not just to boost and enhance sex, but gain favour and gifts from men.

It has now, however, expanded to a few southern regions of the nation and its popularity has gone far and wide.

The trend of the Kayan Mata has gone so far in the country that it has gone on to break social media. Influencers have latched on to the trend, helping peddle the substance made by various producers and due to their influence, get to gather a large clientèle base for the product and its variants.

Any meal, beverage, medication, smell, or object that improves sexual performance is considered an aphrodisiac. Several drugs were employed for these objectives by numerous cultures.

The disturbing origins of the Kayan Mata phenomenon

The need for the development of Kayan Mata is traced to female genital mutilation.

Female genital mutilation is more common in the southern than in the northern regions of the nation. Contrary to popular belief, less severe types of female genital mutilation are more common in the South than in the North.

Some of the justifications for female genital mutilation include enhancing fertility, increasing sexual pleasure for the husband, and improving matrimonial prospects for the woman who underwent the cut.

Due to the fact that female genital mutilation can go on to affect the woman’s urge or feeling for sex, leaving her unattracted to having sex with her partner, it is believed that the Kayan Mata is supposed to help the woman discover the drive and feeling for sex; with the ultimate goal of pleasing her husband and currying his favour.

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What are the types of Kayan mata?

There are several administering methods, but the oral and virginal routes are the most common. Then there is the mix of herbs

1. The Oral Kaya Mata

The oral route type is mostly in liquid form and is taken through the mouth. Aya (Tiger nut), Dabino (dates), onions, melons, and moringa seeds are all components of the oral Kayan Mata. As mentioned, Kayan Mata has both good and bad qualities.

Because fruits make up the oral Kayan Mata, it might be deemed helpful. Citrulline, a substance found in fruits like watermelon, has an impact on sexual urges.

2. The vaginal Kayan Mata

Substances are inserted into the vagina during administration via the virginal route. Contrary to oral administration, the drug may be a liquid or a gas.

A woman is instructed to burn some herbs and let the smoke enter her vagina before administering the gaseous material. Yet, some liquid drugs are delivered through a Sitz bath, while others are directly into the vagina. Based on the intended use of a substance, each substance falls under a certain category.

For instance, the first category of Kayan Mata, Dan Matsi (Tightness), is supposed to raise the tightness of the vagina to a level virtually equivalent to that of a virgin. Dan Matsi is typically consumed by older or postpartum women. The second category, Karya Gado (Break a Bed), is employed to boost a partner’s level of sexual gratification.

The dark side of the Kayan Mata and transition into potions

The Kayan Mata which used to be a thing used to bless a marriage has now become a thing that -not just destroys marriages -but ties men down. And that is sure to get points against the acceptability of the phenomenon bordering on the question, “what is Kayan Mata?”

People have found a way to keep these products legal and looking. They come in elegant bottles and are wrapped in pricey boxes with educational content. They get to launch a new foundation or lipstick in fleets, just like a cosmetic PR team would.

The Marriage and Love Kit, the Curse Breaker, the Ultimate Curse Breaker, the Honey Syrup, and the V-Jay Upgrade are all special goods designed for special issues. The uses of these new items have only grown, from helping women select the man of their dreams, to forcing him to wed them.

Women who use these items may have everything they desire thanks to “The Special Package,” which can take up to 7 days to create. Each box costs the user between 350,000 and 500,000 Naira.

There have long been tales of women who jumped through arduous hoops to find and keep the men of their dreams. Kayan Mata seems to have helped them bridge the gap flawlessly.

To spite their detractors and to entice customers to make quick purchases, the retailers broadcast credit notifications on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Yet, despite making millions of dollars per month from sales and consultations and parading exotic automobiles and fancy clothing on Instagram, Kayan Mata mixers did not get successful overnight or with ease. They are still in trouble. Several have been subjected to nasty comments on Twitter from others who have labelled them fakes or their goods “demonic” or “evil.”

These attacks have also targeted users in the past.

Popular actress Tonto Dikeh slammed the users in an angry Instagram post in July of last year, writing that “there is more to life than 24/7 strategizing to hook a guy.”

Despite the fact that they all sell goods that claim to make the men they seek like them and ensure undeserved favour, not all Kayan Mata merchants are aboard this boat. Some disassociate themselves from this sort of message, claiming that only herbs and fruits are used in their products.

One seller who identified themselves as a “beauty and sex therapist” used what they described as “Instagram hype of the phenomena marketing methods” to attract customers who wanted assurance that their investment would pay off handsomely.

She held the opinion that everyone wants to hear complex information and that everyone is attempting to appeal to their target audience.

People only want to hear the advice that will glue their man, she claimed to have observed in the “beauty and sex therapist” industry. She said that if people are naming people, it’s just for marketing purposes. Pure goodwill is involved. solving issues.

In their belief that these people are merely searching for weak women to scam on Instagram, critics have grasped onto the elephant in the room, which is the lack of a consistent message across the love suppliers.

The “Oloye” Twitter influencer has persisted online, mobilising opposition to the growth of the Kayan Mata mixers, particularly Jaruma, whom he has painted as a con artist preying on gullible women.

The frontline faces behind the Kayan mata phenomenon

Hauwa Muhammad, also known as Jaruma, who runs Jaruma Empire, one of the oldest and most popular Kayan Mata merchants on Instagram, claimed years ago that she consults with at least 30 women each week for 50,000 Naira each, bringing in at least 72 million Naira annually from consultations alone.

Another face that has been known to propagate the brand is popular Nigerian child acting star and wife of Billionaire, Ned Okonkwo, Regina Daniels; who is known to have supported the phenomenon on social media.

She is also believed, in some quarters, to have used some Kayan Mata to influence her marriage with her billionaire husband.

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The Ugly Side of the Kayan Mata phenomena

Consumers have gone on to criticise the merchants of the Kayan Mata merchandise, complaining that the goods didn’t perform as well as they had hoped. On social media, Ajayi told these women that they must not have carefully followed the instructions.

The women behind these accounts have frequently come under fire for their inability to date well-known affluent men while simultaneously presenting themselves as love suppliers.

Oloye mockingly tweeted a few months ago, “Why is Jaruma not married to Elon Musk?” in reference to the South African tech magnate who Jaruma has previously referred to as her brother. He reacted with a laughing emoji when another influencer said, “She views him like a brother,” in response to the tweet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Kayan Mata. They include:

What is another name for Kayan Mata?

Depending on the materials used to prepare it, it goes by several names such Goron Tula, Kayan Maza, Kunum Aya, and Kayanmata.

How are Kayan Mata tightening balls used?

Use three balls each day with water. Use as you would pill; insertion is safe as well.

Who is the largest seller of Kayan Mata?

Beautiful Miwa is renowned for having a significant influence on women’s sexual lives, and the electrical engineer is one of the greatest and most reputable dealers of Kayan Mata in Nigeria and the rest of the globe. She is the owner of the biggest Kayan Mata palace in Nigeria, which has several branches in Ilorin and important distributors in Lagos, Abuja, and abroad.

Who is the queen of Kayan Mata in Nigeria?

Jaruma, also known as Hauwa Saidu Mohammed, is a sex therapist and business owner from Nigeria. Her birthday is October 26, 1993.

She is from Gombe State, and many consider her to be Nigeria’s most prominent and highest-paid sex therapist. Jaruma School for Nigeria and Turkey was founded by her.

She began her entrepreneurial career in 2010, but it wasn’t until she produced a video in 2016 to inform Nigerians about the medicinal benefits of the Azanza Garckeana plant that she became well-known (Silky Kola).

She started selling sex enhancers called Kayan Mata, which she said prevented women from ending up in divorce because they couldn’t satisfy their spouses’ sexual needs.

She has been accused by some of putting marijuana in her products so that her customers might seduce males who, once they met, would do their bidding.

In conclusion,

We can be rest assured now that all sides of the question: “what is Kayan Mata?” has been revealed and explored.

Whatever your take on the Kayan Mata phenomena, one thing is for sure, everything that has an advantage will surely have a disadvantage. Some have been known to use the product for good things like keeping their marriages and all, while others have used it to defraud or destroy people’s lives.

Whether you use Kayan Mata or not, endeavour you stay on the path of good.