Wise Health Living

Side Effects Of Postinor-2 On Menstruation

What are the Side Effects Of Postinor-2 On Menstruation?

There are a host of side effects of postinor-2 on menstruation that scares the living daylights out of many people. But before we address this, let us take a step back to examine the issue of unwanted or unintended pregnancy which pushes people to use the drug; and maybe a reason for the side effects of postinor-2 on menstruation.

Unwanted pregnancies are very common in Nigeria. Especially at the local level, unintended pregnancy is a concern. To close the significant gap in the level of unwanted pregnancy. A high degree of knowledge of contraceptives should be transferred to increasing usage. People should be made to understand these things even before they become sexually active.

In Nigeria, unexpected sexual activity, non-use of contraceptives, and unprotected sexual activity are the main causes of undesired pregnancies. 

According to research, there are reportedly 610,000 abortions in Nigeria every year. Women of all ages can become pregnant unintentionally, but teens are the most vulnerable. 2,6 According to reports, most women would have at least one abortion by the time they were 45 years old.

Married women also face unwelcome pregnancies; in fact, they made up 34.8% and 63.2% of those seeking abortions.

The religious and societal stance against abortion and unwanted pregnancy 

Many women prefer to have abortions to stop unwanted pregnancies brought on by unintentional sexual activity, but the various laws and religious practices in the various parts of the country make this a difficult and “hush-hush” venture.

These subsets of society believe that children are a gift from the most high and people should be thankful that they are lucky enough to have babies. 

They teach that people should only have sexual intercourse when they come of marriageable age and are mature enough to understand what is involved in sexual activity.

This is a fine ideology, but many in society do not always get to follow these injunctions to the Tee and get to engage in sex for the fun, pleasure and thrill of it.

Even in the event that the participants get to have sex during the marriage, it does not always mean that they want to have children every time they come together. Even the holy books and societal norms approve of sex for pleasure in marriage. 

There are times when one gets to make mistakes during sex and ends up with a pregnancy he or she does not plan for. These restrictions also apply.

Even the state frowns on abortion, stressing the right of every child to life and self-preservation, whether in the womb or outside. The state also backs up the law against abortion, carrying a heavy jail sentence of up to 14 years imprisonment -unless it is performed to save the life of the pregnant woman. Some religious entities have come to tackle that claim, stressing that according to their statutes, a child only becomes a human who can enjoy the right to life and self-preservation when it is out of the womb.

Over time, the Nigerian population have had to dabble in the use of contraceptives -albeit slowly as a lot of Nigerians are still oblivious to what they are and why they are so important. Those who have the opportunity to be exposed to contraceptives emphasize contraceptives that come to play after going partaking in sex to avoid conception and pregnancy.

It is quite expected that some of these religious and societal institutions still frown at contraceptives but not as firmly as abortion.

Of these after-sex contraceptives also referred to as emergency contraceptives, none-is as popular or readily available as Postinor-2.

What is Postinor-2?

Postinor-2, sometimes known as the morning-after pill, is only employed as an emergency contraceptive. It is meant to prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sexual encounter. It is not used as a consistent, long-term method of birth control.

The medication’s effectiveness decreases with elapsed time and ceases to function after pregnancy (implantation) has taken place.

Levonorgestrel, which is an ingredient in Postinor-2, blocks the ovulation and fertilisation processes. It reduces the likelihood of becoming pregnant by 57 to 93%.

It is useful for the long-term prevention of pregnancy with an intrauterine device (IUD), such as Mirena among others. In some nations, you can also have an implant that releases levonorgestrel.

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When is it advisable to take Postinor-2

Postinor 2 should be taken no later than three days following unprotected intercourse, according to medical professionals. Yet when counselling starts sooner after the sexual encounter, it often works better.

You shouldn’t take Postinor-2 if …

  • You have a liver condition.
  • You had sexual intercourse more than 72 hours ago.
  • You have breast cancer 
  • You are already pregnant and expecting.
  • You think you may be pregnant already.
  • You are experiencing significant, unexplained vaginal bleeding.
  • The drug causes an allergic response or hypersensitivity in you.

You need a doctor’s advice first before you use Postinor 2 if you…

  • Find it difficult to absorb things into your body  
  • Are diabetic
  • Have a heart disease
  • Has had a history of breast cancer.
  • Have had a stroke
  • Have retinopathy or neuropathy
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Have an Ischaemic heart disease

What are the side effects of postinor-2 on menstruation?

The following are some of the side effects of postinor-2 on menstruation. They include:

  • Menstrual cycle abnormalities are one of the most prevalent adverse effects of hormonal birth control tablets like Postinor-2.
  • Levonorgestrel is the active element of Postinor-2, an emergency contraceptive that shouldn’t be used as a daily birth control tablet.
  • Menstruation-related side effects of Postinor-2 include altered menstrual cycle patterns, heavier menstrual flow, and altered menstrual cycle duration.

What are the other side effects of Postinor-2?

Different people react to drugs in different ways and Postinor-2 is no different 

Common side effects of Postinor-2 include: 

  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Breast tenderness 
  • Headaches 
  • increased, decreased, or irregular menstrual bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhoea

It is advisable to see your health service provider or doctor immediately if you feel prolonged effects of any of these side effects.

Read Also – How Does A Woman Feel When Sperm Enters The Body?

How trustworthy is Postinor-2 in preventing pregnancy?

In 85% of cases, postinor-2 can prevent pregnancy. If taken within 24 hours of becoming pregnant, it has a 95% chance of doing so. If taken after 48 to 72 hours, the chance rises by 58%. Its efficiency is questionable if taken more than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

Except if you are menstruating late, you can take Postinor-2 at any point during the menstrual cycle.

How to use Postinor-2

Take the following steps to properly use the Postinor-2 emergency contraceptive.

  • After 72 hours following unprotected intercourse, take one 750 mg pill as soon as you can;
  • 12 hours after the initial dose, take a second 750 mg pill;
  • A second pill may be prescribed by your doctor if you vomit within two hours of taking a tablet.

Key considerations to note while using Postinor-2

  • It is essential to keep in mind that Postinor-2 should be administered twice, with a 12-hour interval between each dose.
  • It’s critical to keep in mind that if regurgitation (vomiting) occurs within two hours of taking the first dose, you must take the following dosage in the series and call your doctor for a replacement.
  • See a doctor to determine if you need to continue therapy if the second dose is not taken as directed.
  • Postinor-2 should only be administered every four months, up to three times a year.

In conclusion

We believe that if used properly and timely, side effects of postinor-2 on menstruation would be experienced on a minimal scale.

Many are worried that the drug may destabilize their body systems and all. We also implore people to ensure that they make sure they consult their doctor or medical service provider before using the drug.