Wise Health Living

Is Zobo Drink Good For Pregnant Women

Is Zobo Drink Good For Pregnant Women?

One question has been on the rounds, bugging people’s minds for quite a while. They see to answer the question: is Zobo drink good for pregnant women?

Before we answer that question, let us first find out what the Zobodrink really is.

What is a Zobo drink?

Zobo drink is one of the most popular drinks in Nigeria. They can be homemade for the family’s enjoyment or made for mass production and sold commercially in stores. In popular culture, the drink is one that is uniform in and around Nigeria. The recipe and its unique taste stay almost the same in every culture, unifying its multi-ethnic groups in a collective sense of refreshment and satisfaction.

Zobo drink is made out of the extracts of dried roselle or sorrel leaves (Hibiscus Sabdariffa).

Originally, the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is native to Africa, most likely West Africa, and is also found in India, particularly Maharashtra, where it is known locally as ambali. It was introduced to the West Indies and Asia in the 16th and early 17th centuries, respectively, and has since spread over numerous locations and become natural.

With this spread, many countries in the world now enjoy Zobo or some of its variants made from the flower, stems, root and fruit or other parts of the plant. Some countries make syrup out of it; others use the parts of the plant as seasoning for stews and meat.

How do you make Zobo drink?

When making the Zobo drink, you will need to get the following ingredients:

1. Two tablespoons of cloves

2. Two stumps of ginger.

3. Slices of citrus fruits like orange, lemon and lime to flavour.

4. Some clean water

5. A pineapple.

6. Some sugar.

After getting these ingredients ready, you must also make sure that you

  • Grind the cloves into powder.
  • Wash, peel and cut the fruits into thin slices.
  • Ensure the zobo flower petals are washed to clean out the dust and grime.
  • Wash and peel the skin off the ginger and blend it into a pulp.

When all these are done, you can now go on to the process of making the drink:

1. Wash the zobo leaves, then place them in a pot with enough water to completely cover them.

2. Cook for a little while on medium heat before removing from the flame.

3. Add more water, ginger, and garlic, and continue to simmer for at least 30 minutes. The Zobo leaves will become fully pliable after this amount of time.

4. Turn off the heat and leave the area so that it can totally cool.

5. While your zobo cools, blend your pineapples.

6. Remove the Zobo leaves when they have cooled. After that, strain the juice through a chiffon cloth to get rid of any remaining microscopic impurities.

7. Pineapple juice should be added at this time.

8. To make sure there are no leftover particles, you may filter them through the chiffon fabric one more.

9. You can add any artificial flavours you like into the mix. Make sure you stir it.

10. Pour into bottles and refrigerate.

You can go on to enjoy your Zobo drink with food or snacks or just as a refreshing drink. It is better enjoyed when cold.

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What are the Nutrients content of Zobo drinks?

Zobo drinks contain a number of nutrients the body needs. They include:

1. Copper

Red blood cells are created by the body with the aid of copper and iron. Additionally, it aids in maintaining healthy blood vessels, bones, nerves, and immune systems. 

2. Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid, often known as vitamin C, has several functions in the body. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant and aids in the fight against free radicals. In the body, free radicals are unstable atoms that can lead to disease, ageing, and cell damage.

Additionally, vitamin C helps all bodily tissues grow, develop, and mend. It aids in the synthesis of collagen, the absorption of iron, the healing of wounds, the appropriate upkeep of cartilage and bone, and the maintenance of wounds.

Since vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, the body cannot store it.  Zobo drink is percieived as a sure way to keep vitamin C in the body.

3. Iron

Iron, which is healthy for the body and the immune system, is included in the Zobo drink. The presence of iron stimulates red blood cell development, speeds up cell division, lessens weariness, and enhances cognitive function.

4. Vitamin A

Healthy teeth, skin, and skeletal and soft tissue are all actively influenced by vitamin A. Additionally, it creates the pigment for the retina of the eye, enhancing vision.

It has been discovered that vitamin A is advantageous during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

5. Riboflavin

The vital ingredient riboflavin, which the body need, is included in Zobo drink. Because riboflavin cannot be retained by the body, it must be taken often to keep the meagre supply there.

In order to support body growth, the riboflavin in zobo drink will work with other vitamins in the body. Additionally, riboflavin helps the body turn proteins into energy and supports the creation of red blood cells.

6. Thiamine

An essential ingredient that the body needs is thiamine. The thiamine component of Zobo drink assists in recharging energy in the body. This is due to the fact that thiamine makes it possible for the body to correctly transform carbs into energy, and carbohydrates serve as the body’s main source of energy. Additionally, thiamine helps in muscular contraction and nerve signal transmission.

What are the health benefits of drinking Zobo?

Zobo has a number of benefits it gives to the human body. They include:

1. Helps lower blood pressure.

Zobo possesses antihypertensive and cardio-protective qualities, according to studies.

2. Improves immunological function.

The iron in Zobo is essential for red blood cell production, immune system stimulation, cell division, and improved information processing.

3. Zobo leaves may reduce menstrual discomfort.

Heirloom hibiscus tea benefits for health including relief from cramps and pain associated with menstruation. Additionally, it is thought to help with hormonal re-balancing, which may minimise menstruation symptoms including mood swings, depression, and overeating.

4. Consuming zobo may aid in weight loss.

Hibiscus is thought to inhibit the development of fat tissue in the body and reduce lipid accumulation. Both of these findings suggest that hibiscus tea may help with weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and way of life.

5. Zobo functions as an antioxidant.

Vitamin C, which has several functions in the biological system, is included in this tea. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant and aids in the fight against free radicals. In the body, free radicals are unstable atoms that harm cells and speed up cellular ageing. All bodily tissues benefit from vitamin C’s ability to support their growth, development, and repair. Iron is absorbed, wounds are healed, and collagen, bone, and cartilage are properly maintained.

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Is zobo drink good for pregnant women?

The good

Some studies go on to support taking Zobo drinks during pregnancy, according to them, Zobo drinks are classified as a galactagogue. And any meal or beverage that encourages the flow of mother’s milk is referred to as a galactagogue. The majority of galactagogues promote lactation, particularly in moms of preterm infants.

People would count all the health benefits of the Zobo drink as an argument to support their claim.

The bad

There has been a list of arguments on the subject: is Zobo drink good for pregnant women to consume? Medical experts advise that people who are pregnant should be cautious when drinking tea or other beverages during pregnancy.

No one wants to compromise their pregnancy and there are no researched facts that Zobo could be beneficial to pregnant women.

People who enjoy drinking Zobo even before getting pregnant are advised to hold back o the craving when they take in. You should exercise caution when consuming and using it while you are pregnant. While zobo drink offers advantages, many believe it also has significant disadvantages, particularly for pregnant women.

According to these beliefs, the most frequent potential dangers of consuming zobo beverages while pregnant include miscarriage and delayed puberty in the offspring.

Numerous studies have shown that giving hibiscus tea to rats resulted in maternal malnutrition. Offspring’s development of puberty is delayed as a result of maternal starvation. A higher body mass index and a higher risk of obesity are also associated with delayed puberty.

Even while some research suggests that zobo drink might trigger early menstruation and can assist women with irregular menstruation to find balance, zobo drink can cause excessive bleeding in pregnant women.

The ugly

Even if one wants to hold the “galactagogue” issue as an excuse for pregnant women to continue drinking Zobo during pregnancy, the research doesn’t hold sway is the fact that more research is suggested to ascertain Zobo drinks and other galactagogues’ full effect on breastfeeding mothers.

Is Zobo drink good for pregnant women (Conclusion)? 

It is best in such a touchy situation to avoid the subject of contradiction altogether. So pregnant women are better off avoiding Zobo altogether as it is better to be safe than sorry.

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Pregnancy and the need to eat more

Pregnancy on the other hand is the time during which a foetus grows within a woman’s womb or uterus. When counting from the last menstrual cycle through delivery, a pregnancy typically lasts around 40 weeks or slightly over 9 months.

In a place like Nigeria, pregnancy is a big deal and everyone is happy and joyful when pregnancy is gotten through the proper means including courtship, a wedding and then pregnancy.

When a woman is pregnant, they naturally get to eat more during pregnancy as their appetite rises to sometimes unreasonable standards. This is due to the growing baby demanding more nourishment. They gain weight and their cravings increase.

Pregnant women require between 300 to 350 extra calories per day in the second trimester and 500 extra calories per day in the third trimester.

All these are remarkably higher than you were consuming before becoming pregnant to support weight increase and the developing baby. That is why it is still crucial to concentrate on nutrition at this time even if calorie demands do not rise in the first trimester.

These cravings and appetite can move many pregnant women to eat and drink nearly any food and drink that comes their way and that includes Zobo.

In conclusion,

The arguments pertaining to the question: “is Zobo drink good for pregnant women?” will continue to be a bone of contention among people, but as we established beforehand, it is better to be safe than sorry. So women should probably avoid Zobo drinks for the health of their babies.