Wise Health Living

How to use Guava Leaves for Fertility and Ovulation

How to use Guava Leaves for Fertility and Ovulation

It is all humans’ dream to procreate, making copies of themselves that will fill up the population as our generation dies away.  Procreation is not just a dream, it is our very essence, our way of life. 

The essence of procreation has become so important to u humans that society frowns upon anyone that is not able, physically or mentally to make procreation happen and sufferers of this problem always try as hard as they can -doing everything they deem fit -to make sure that they too have offsprings.

One of these ways turns to plants to help give out vital nutrients serving and supplements or stimulants in humans that can help induce the ability of a human to conceive and bear offspring. 

In focus, we are checking out how to use guava leaves for fertility and ovulation. To begin, let us first define what ovulation is all about. 

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is defined as a process in which a female releases a mature egg into her ovary. The matured egg then moves down the fallopian tube, staying there for 12 to 24 hours, waiting t be fertilized by a male’s sperm. Sperm from the male can live in the vagina for as long as five days after sexual intercourse in the right conditions and during this period when the eggs are released, your chance of getting pregnant is at the highest.

Science has made us understand that ovulation occurs about 14 days before the start of a menstrual period in an average 28-day menstrual cycle. 14 days before the start of a woman’s next average menstrual cycle of 28 days.

We also know that many women have varying days in their menstrual cycle and may experience differences in the ovulation days.

How to know you are ovulating 

There are various ways to know if a woman is ovulating. They include:

  1. Noticing a difference in the colour and thickness of your vaginal ovulation.
  2. Change in one’s average body temperature. The most fertile days of one’s ovulation are the days before one’s temperature rises.
  3. Checking with an over-the-counter ovulation kit. This kit tests your urine, looking for the surges in hormones that come to play before ovulation. If you have a positive result, you will most likely ovulate in the next 36 hours.

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What are guavas?

Go visit tropical fruits grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. There are two types of commuava trees: lemon guava and Apple guava. There are also strawberry guava and pineapple guava. The driver is believed to have originated from Mexico, northern South America and the Caribbean.

Today India is the largest producer of guavas contributing over 45% of the worldwide production.

Guava fruits have been known to provide —not just a sour-sweet, tasty snack —but contribute to the overall health of the body.

Known as the queen of fruits, the guava fruit boasts a host of health benefits ranging from boosting immunity to helping fight stress; fighting diabetes to promoting weight loss.

It has also been known to help boost women’s ovulation, increasing fertility and their chances of getting pregnant. The leaves also come in handy for helping boost fertility as they could be boiled into a herbal tea and drunk once or twice a week.

How do guava leaves help boost fertility and ovulation?

According to scientific research, guava leaves contain significant concentrations of folate, lycopene, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins, and other antioxidants that aid to regulate and manage the hormones luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones that cause ovulation.

Boiling guava leaves into tea helps bring out these nutrients that help promote fertility.

How to make herbal tea from guava leaves

You can make tea from guava leaves for fertility and ovulation through the following process.

  1. Find a guava tree and pluck off some leaves.
  2. Some also cut some bark off to boil.
  3. Wash the leaves and bark in clean water.
  4. Boil with water in a pot for twenty minutes.
  5. Sieve out the leaves with a fine cloth, and repeat the process two or three times.
  6. Your guava herbal tea is ready to drink.

You can store leftover guava tea in the fridge and warm it to drink later.

Other health benefits of guava leaves

Beyond using guava leaves for fertility and ovulation, there are numerous other health benefits of to the human body. Check them below.

1. Treating fibroids

Guava leaves have the ability to reduce inflammation through their organosulfur concentration which is thought to contribute to fibroids’ natural dissolution without interfering with other biological processes.

Noncancerous growths called fibroids that form in or around the uterus can interfere with fertility by obstructing the fallopian tubes, which can lead to infertility and failed pregnancies.

The use of guava leaves may aid in managing fibroids and subsequently promote fertility, even though there are no conclusive studies in this area. This is according to a number of sources.

2. Libido booster

Guava leaves also help with fertility problems by functioning as a natural aphrodisiac for both men and women.

Guava leaves are thought to increase desire, which is crucial for conception by stimulating blood flow to the genitalia.

3. Malaria treatment

Guava leaves together we’ll be back and Williams and work of other plants contain quinine which is essential in treating malaria. The steam from the boiling herbs is inhaled to help break the fever, while the tea is drunk to battle the illness from within.

4. Boosting sperm production

Studies indicate that guava leaves are particularly helpful in raising fertility in males by increasing sperm production, in addition to increasing female fertility.

5. Gastrointestinal health and sugar balance, diarrhoea, diabetes, and indigestion 

These are just a few of the conditions and symptoms that guava leaf extracts may help with.

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Health benefits of eating guava fruit.

Guavas also have the following advantages:

  • The immune system is strengthened by it.
  • One of nature’s finest suppliers of vitamin C, it.
  • If consumed in the morning, this is a fantastic morning sickness cure.
  • Due to its high water and fibre content, it aids in preventing dehydration.
  • Guava consumption during pregnancy aids with blood pressure maintenance.
  • Due to its low glycemic index, it aids in the management of gestational diabetes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There are some commonly asked questions about guava leaves on ovulation.

Does guava leaves help during hormonal imbalance?

Guava leaves can come in handy in helping balance pregnancy hormones like progesterone, oestrogen, LH, and FSH. But it is better to see your doctor for proper medical advice.

How long should one drink guava herbal tea to improve fertility?

Drinking an average of one cup full of guava herbal tea daily for up to six weeks can help with fertility.

Do guava leaves help cure infections?

Unfortunately, guava leaves tea have no antibiotic properties so it does not cure an infection. They can only help with fertility.

When is the best time to take tea from guava leaves for fertility and ovulation?

You can take the tea at any time of the day but is best advised to take a cup of warm guava leaves tea in the morning or at night before going to bed. 

Does guava leaf tea help with menstrual cramps?

There is no doubt that guava leaf tea reduces cramping and menstrual flow. Menstrual cramps can be relieved by drinking a cup of warm guava leaf tea with Goron Tula or honey in the morning and evening.