Wise Health Living

How To Get Sperm Out Of Your Body Fast 

How To Get Sperm Out Of Your Body Fast 

Wondering how to get sperm out of your body fast? You are not alone. This is a question asked by so many women, especially after unprotected sex. 

Sometimes, many people enjoy sex without using condoms or the pull-out method and they get to pour all their sperm in. Some men will come with the silly notion that they do not waste their sperm, leaving the woman to look for ways to flush her system of the sperm or risk being pregnant.

Over time, some women claimed to have found ways to get sperm out of their body after having sex. But is this really true? 

Before going into the depths of this discourse, let us first check out relevant issues connected to this phenomenon.

What is Sperm?

The Greek word sperma, which means “seed,” is where the term “sperm” comes from.

The male gamete, or reproductive cell, in anisogamous modes of sexual reproduction, is the sperm (forms in which there is a larger, female reproductive cell and a smaller, male one). Spermatozoa, or mobile sperm with a flagellum tail, are produced by animals.

Spermatogenesis, a process that creates sperm cells, occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testes in amniotes (reptiles and mammals).

From beginning to end, this entire procedure continues continuously and takes around 3 months.

Sperm cells cannot divide and have a short lifespan, but when they combine with egg cells to form a zygote during fertilisation, a new organism begins to emerge.

As the human sperm cell has 23 chromosomes and the female egg also has 23, they can combine to create a diploid cell, which has 46 paired chromosomes. Mammals store their sperm in the epididymis, and upon ejaculation, semen, or sperm-containing fluid, is discharged from the penis.

Why is the Sperm Important to the Reproductive Process?

The sperm’s function is to fertilise the egg and produce an embryo. The fluid that is generated by the male sex organs carries the sperm towards the egg.

Without the sperm, the female cannot have a foetus that will turn into a child. That means that there can be no conception, not to talk of a birthing if there is no sperm.

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What is the difference between sperm and semen?

Unfortunately for many, they make the mistake of taking the sperm to also be the semen. There is quite a distinction between the two.

The sperm is tadpole-shaped, tiny cells that are a component of semen. They are there to fertilise the egg and produce an embryo.

Chemicals in the prostate fluid make sperm more liquid-like so they can float more easily. Fructose, a sugar, is produced by the seminal vesicles, two tubes in the pelvis, and it gives spermatozoa the energy it needs to swim all the way to the female egg. These parts come together to form semen.

What are the components that make up the sperm?

Ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, zinc, potassium, salt, fat, and hundreds of different proteins are all present in sperm along with vitamin C, B12, and ascorbic acid.

34 teaspoons of semen could only supply a few calories of sustenance if all the real nutritional components—all the lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates—are included.

Semen on the other hand has very little real nourishment, and the majority of it is just water.

How much sperm comes out in a single ejaculation?

The typical volume of semen expelled during ejaculation ranges from 1.5 to 5 millilitres, or around one teaspoon. But, this material is potent—an average millilitre of semen contains between 20 and 150 million sperm.

What then is pre-cum?

According to researchers, there is hardly any viable sperm that comes out during the pre-ejaculation or pre-cum. And even if there is any sperm inside, the amount is so tiny as to be anything serious or poorly formed or immobile and is very unlikely to cause pregnancy.

Pre-ejaculate is a transparent, slightly basic fluid produced by cowper glands that serve to lubricate the vagina and shield sperm from the acidic environment of the urethra.

Popular Myths on how to get sperm out of your body fast

For short, there is, however, no known scientific method to get rid of semen once it has entered the cervix.

You should call your doctor if you’re trying to remove semen from your vagina to prevent getting pregnant. In order to avoid pregnancy, the doctor might be able to provide emergency contraception.

There are several natural, medical, hormonal, non-hormonal, and surgical ways to avoid getting pregnant. If a person wishes to avoid getting pregnant, they should talk to their doctor about the best form of contraception.

There are some other ways that people claim one can use to solve the issue of how to get sperm out of your body fast that can be shocking or downright hilarious – not just in its application but the sheer ridiculousness and danger that comes with it.

Here are some of the rumours on ways to get sperm out of your body fast: 

1. Using salt and water solution

For a while, females have been made to believe that drinking a salt and water solution right after sex would help them flush out sperm deposited in their vagina as fast as possible; but many medical doctors will confirm that what the person is doing is just a cheap resort at inducing herself to use the toilet and clear her bowels at most.

2. Drinking dry gin

A funny one to think about; but many Nigerian women are convinced that the more dry gin they drink right after sex, the more the chances of their bodies flushing out unwanted sperm from their system. That is a no-no. What the person will get is herself being properly drunk and forced to have a hangover in the morning.

Some say that only a small amount of dry gin is good enough. That will never get rid of sperm out of your body fast.

3. Drinking Alabukun with 7up

Another myth is that of a person drinking Alabukun with 7up. Alabukun is a popular powdered pain relief drug which comes very effective in breaking fevers. 7up is here because of the work it does to people as a laxative, inducing people to use the toilet when mixed with salt and ingested. Unfortunately, this combination does not help as a contraceptive.

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4. Drinking lime juice right after sex.

Drinking lime juice right after sex cannot -in any way -help you solve the issue of how to get sperm out of your body fast. Yes, you will get a dose of vitamin C and citric acid, and even get to enjoy the sharp, sour tang of the juice. But make no mistake, it will never serve as a contraceptive.

5. Take Andrews Liver Salt alone or with coke or lime

For starters, Andrews Liver Salt is a laxative and does come in a lime-citrusy flavour. Adding extra lime will help spice up the mix. Including coke may also be a no-no because you will only get more fizz out of the mixture and some carbonated cola into your system. One should be even wary of the side effects of this mix.

6. Take a mixture of raw eggs, lime and dry gin

This is a crazy mix and might do better being served in a cocktail bar to someone with a weird choice of drinks. Yeah, it will be alcoholic and tangy, but having raw eggs in the mix might just upset one’s stomach. Maybe bodybuilders should try out this mixture.

7. Standing up after immediate sex

Some would want to use the law of gravity to their advantage after sex by standing and letting the sperm drip out. Some would even aid the process by pushing the sperm out with their vaginal muscles. It is worth noting that the vagina is made to keep sperm in not push it out. Also, no one can guarantee that all the sperm will come out of the vagina. There is bound to be some left, stuck to the urethral wall or something. Those can swim enough into your womb to get you pregnant.

8. Peeing immediately after sex

This cannot guarantee the fast removal of semen from your vagina after sex. Why is that? It’s common sense. The tube that brings out pee from your bladder and the hole the sperm takes into your cervix are two different structures. Yes, they meet somewhere on the way out of the vagina. Imagine the throat with the airways and the oesophagus that leads into the stomach. They are joined to the same pipe-like structure but lead in separate ways.

9. Taking a shower or bath right after sex

This might only help you with one thing. And that is keeping your body clean after the rump in the sheets. You may put your fingers in to clean your labia, but there is no chance that those fingers and the water is going to go in as far as washing the sperm out.

10. Using vinegar

Due to vinegar’s high degree of acidity, some individuals think that injecting vinegar into the vagina may cause sperm death. The use of vinegar in the vagina may cause inflammation, and that is trouble for the person. Apart from that, there is no scientific evidence to support this.

In conclusion

Let’s not kid ourselves, these ways listed out here will never get you that much-desired solution of how to get sperm out of your body fast. Your best bet to do that is to get and use emergency contraceptive pills like postinor, postpill, plan b and others. You could also see your doctor get first-hand medical help on issues like that.