Wise Health Living

How many Raw Eggs can Abort Pregnancy or Cause Miscarriage?

How many Raw Eggs can Abort Pregnancy or Cause Miscarriage?

Although primarily a thing of joy, pregnancies may sometimes be unwanted and people seek to abort them. Essentially, they turn to several home remedies as abortion is not legal in some countries. One of the most asked questions in the journey to finding the best abortion home remedy is how many raw eggs can abort pregnancy.

In this article, we discussed the common myth misconception, highlighting the truths and false beliefs in the role raw eggs play in aborting a pregnancy or causing miscarriage. 

An egg is an organic container that an animal develops to house a potentially fertilised egg cell (a zygote) and to develop an embryo from it. once the embryo has developed into an animal foetus that can survive on its own, the animal hatches from the egg.

For millions of years, humans have eaten and collected animal eggs. By 1500 BCE, people in southeast Asia had domesticated chickens, gathering their eggs for food. 

Poultry made up most of the eggs, particularly chickens. Other bird eggs, such as those from ostriches and other ratites, are occasionally consumed but they are not as frequently consumed as chicken eggs. The eggs of fish, amphibians, and reptiles are also edible.

How humans view pregnancies

Pregnancy in many cultures and religions is a thing of joy. A thing to be celebrated. It confirms the injunction of the almighty who told humans to go into the world and multiply. Some religious texts call children a gift from God and that people who have an abundance of them have enough arrows in their quivers.

Some other cultures celebrate it so much that it proves to the world that the person who is pregnant is not just fertile, but a full woman worthy of praise and recognition. It is like a rite of passage which every woman must go through in order to claim to be a woman. Some cultures even choose the ability to carry and bear healthy children as more important than marriage itself.

But as much as pregnancies are a thing of joy and laughter, many women have had to take them out. This might seem horrible or a contradiction of the whole essence of pregnancies in these cultures and religions; but more than 2.2 million teenage girls and women are accounted to have gone down with unwanted pregnancies every year. 

These statistics make it a part f the over 121 million unwanted pregnancies recorded worldwide annually.

Many of these unwanted pregnancies are attributed to the non-usage of safe, modern methods of contraception and the inability to say a firm no to sex. Apart from this, there is the touchy subject of rape, child sexual abuse and child marriage.

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What is an abortion? 

Abortion is a process where a person terminates or ends a pregnancy. There are two methods to doing an abortion and they include 

  • Medication abortion, in which the pregnancy is terminated by medications. In different quarters, they are referred to as either an “abortion with pills” or a “medical abortion.”
  • Abortion via surgery, in which the pregnancy is taken out of the uterus. Other people refer to this procedure as a “surgical abortion.”

Why do people engage in abortion?

There are various reasons why people will engage and the removal of pregnancies and these reasons are ascribed to financial constraints or not being prepared for the responsibility of being a parent. Here they are:

  • Some people believe that they are not emotionally or mentally prepared to have children.
  • Others believe that having children would interfere with future plans.
  • A subset goes with the idea that having a new child will stop them from focusing on their other children.
  • Some raise the issue of not being financially prepared to raise a child.
  • A number of people take out a pregnancy because they have issues with their partner.
  • A few have an abortion because they are not independent or mature enough to have a child.
  • Some have to take out pregnancy because of health issues 
  • Some terminate pregnancies because of influence and pressure from family and friends.
  • Some women go through abortions because of the stigma that comes with having a child quite early in life or having a child out of wedlock.
  • A number of people just do not want to have children, so they have abortions, to take them out.

It is advisable to speak to your doctor if you are considering getting an abortion. Your doctor may go through the risks and advantages of each operation as well as how it is carried out.

To keep people from taking out pregnancies, some countries and religions have put a ban on abortion criminalizing it and adding Biblical or Qur’anic punishment. 

So, before you have an abortion, know your country’s, religious and culture’s stance against it.

How many raw eggs can abort pregnancy?

People who get into trouble always look for ways around them. And Nigerians who have gotten into the trouble of having an unwanted pregnancy, usually look for ways to get out of the fix.

A myth has gone on to circulate, promoting the idea that drinking in a considerable number of raw eggs could help to abort a pregnancy. And people have started asking How many raw eggs can abort a pregnancy.

The answer to that question is no number of raw eggs can abort pregnancy. The worst drinking raw eggs will do is cause a stomach upset or a bacterial infection in a woman’s body.

It is worrisome to understand that a symbol that is related to fertility in so many Nigerian cultures, and others around the world, could be used to terminate something that proves fertility like pregnancy.

So it is safe to say that it is silly that people would ask how many raw eggs can abort pregnancy.

How to abort a pregnancy

There are only two sure ways to abort a pregnancy and that includes what we have written above: surgery to remove it or the use of pills.

1. Surgical Pregnancy Abortion

This method of abortion majorly involves using a mild suctioning method known as vacuum aspiration. While you may be in the clinic for several hours, the surgery itself usually takes only 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

You must be in your first trimester (the first three months of pregnancy) to get this surgery. (This suggests you are 12 weeks or less pregnant.)

The hole of your cervix is gradually expanded using rods of increasing size, and a thin tube is then placed into your uterus. The pregnancy (foetus and placenta) is removed using gentle suction. A curette is another device used to ensure that the uterus is empty.

Hormone-blocking tablets may be used before the procedure to help soften the cervix. 

Many people have experienced bleeding right after the procedure. If this persists, it may mean that the abortion may not be complete. Incomplete abortion may cause an infection and sometimes can lead to a chronic infection called Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

The cervixes of the patient can also be injured; this causes them to be weakened causing problems in later pregnancies. 

This definitely does not answer how many raw eggs can abort pregnancy.

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2. Abortion using pills

Doing an abortion using pills consists of several steps and two different medications.

You begin by taking a pill called mifepristone to prevent the pregnancy from growing. Some people experience nausea or bleeding after taking mifepristone, your doctor or nurse may also prescribe you medicines to take to avoid infection.

The second drug is called misoprostol. This medication empties your uterus and may cause cramping and bleeding. You can take the misoprostol immediately or up to 48 hours after the first pill — your doctor or nurse will tell you how and when to take it.

Most individuals have cramps and bleeding 1-4 hours after taking misoprostol.

During the procedure, it’s usual to notice big blood clots or clumps of tissue. It’s akin to having a heavy, crampy period, and the process is quite similar to an early miscarriage. It is advisable to call your nurse or doctor if you do not have any bleeding within 24 hours after taking the second drug.

Cramping and bleeding might last several hours. The pregnant tissue is usually passed after 4-5 hours, although it may take longer. After the pregnant tissue is removed, the cramps and bleeding subside. You may experience cramps on and off for another day or two.

Surgical abortion is typically available later in a pregnancy than medicinal abortion, sometimes known as “the abortion pill.” However, how late into a pregnancy you may receive an abortion depends on state legislation and the regulations of the clinic or hospital you visit.

Laws in various countries determine if this procedure is done legally or illegally. These procedures have nothing regarding how many raw eggs can abort pregnancy. 

In conclusion

We can now safely say that there is no way eating many raw eggs can abort pregnancy. We also know how one can really get rid of a pregnancy through abortion. But it is better to abstain from sex and use contraceptives than to go around seeking to abort a pregnancy.