Wise Health Living

Benefits Of Cloves To the Vagina

What are the Health Benefits Of Cloves To the Vagina?

The vagina is an elastic, muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation to females. It is basically that part that connects the female uterus to the outside world and fortunately, there are several health benefits of cloves to the vagina.

It is one of the most sensitive and important parts of every woman’s body. They use it for reproduction purposes as vaginas receive the male’s penis during sexual intercourse. It is also the foremost part of the birth canal where the baby passes out from the womb during childbirth.

The vagina also performs excretory functions as it connects the female urethra to the outside world. The urine comes from the bladder into the urethra and out through the vagina. 

The vagina also serves as a passageway for menstrual fluid, cervical mucus and other secretions coming out of the female body. The vagina is as important to every woman as their existence itself and if your vagina gets into major problems, you could be courting death or very possible discomfort.

This goes on to point to the fact that every woman must ensure that they take proper care of their vagina and in this writeup, we would be focusing on the benefits of cloves to the vagina of every woman.

What are cloves?

Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum. They are popularly used as a spice, flavouring, or aroma in consumer goods like toothpaste, soaps, or cosmetics. They are said to have originated from the Indonesian Maluku Islands (or Moluccas).

Most parts of the world grow a specie of cloves and they are always available because different nations have distinct harvest seasons.

“Cloves” may not readily ring a bell in the ears of the typical Nigerian. To enable them to understand what you are driving at, just explain that cloves are the “pepper” used to produce the popular local beverage Zobo and they will nod in comprehension.

Benefits of cloves to the vagina

Besides spicing and creating aroma to food, Cloves could also help women do a lot of things, especially in relation to their vaginal health. They include:

1. Helping women fight off infections.

Vaginal infections are a woman’s worst nightmare and cloves are touted to have come to the rescue. Cloves extract mixed in water is believed to have become an alternative therapy to help women fight off infections when orthodox medicine fails.

The benefits of cloves to the vagina as proven by scientists and medical experts include battling yeast infections.

Studies have shown that cloves have anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-microbial effects. Additionally, it has astringent, anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, pain-relieving, and insect-repellent effects.

According to studies, the primary ingredient responsible for the clove bud’s therapeutic effects is eugenol.

2. Antibacterial remedy

According to research, clove is a priceless spice because of the healthy elements it contains. There are several benefits of cloves to the vagina. For one, coves are also great for treating bacterial infections. Research has shown that an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina is responsible for infections. The aqueous extract of clove is effective against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus.

Recommended – Top 7 Benefits of Drinking Clove Water for Fertility

3. Antifungal remedy

Another benefit of Cloves to the vagina is in the fight against fungal infections in the vagina. They also are effective in fighting back fungal infections like vaginal candidiasis. Eugenol and carvacrol are active agents in treating fungal infections in the vagina.

4. Vaginal “sweetener”

Many women have hyped the ability of cloves to help “sweeten” the vagina, bringing utmost pleasure during sex.

Hormonal imbalance causes women to not secret enough vaginal mucus during sex to lubricate the vagina. No lubricant means “dryness” and that can cause pain as the man thrusts during sex. This can cause there to be a break or an end to the intercourse causing dissatisfaction and embarrassment to both parties.

But washing the vagina with clove water could help restore the mucus that helps women lubricate their vagina during sex.

It is also known that infections could cause a woman “dryness” in her “nether regions” and clove water has helped fight off these infections, creating a win-win situation in issues like this.

5. Conception booster

It’s been discovered that the mixture made by soaking cloves in water can support or increase fertility. Clove water is said to promote ovulation and improve a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. 

Cloves are thought to secrete more LH due to their active compounds. Also, cervical mucus aids optimally in transporting sperm through the vaginal canal to the womb to fertilize the egg. 

Washing the vagina with clove water helps enhance vaginal fluid levels aiding in conception during the ovulation window. Cervical mucus absorbs filters, primes, and then releases sperm for effective transportation to the egg and fertilization. Washing the vagina with cloves water can help restore normal flora in the vagina and increase the chances of conception.

6. Vaginal wash

Washing the vagina with clove water can help keep the vagina clean and free of germs and diseases. It also goes further in washing out the foul odour in the vagina, making it clean and fresh for its activities.

7. Cervical and vaginal cancer preventive measures

Clove water being used to wash the vagina helps in preventing the development of cervical and vaginal cancer.

Extracts from cloves contain oleanolic acid which comes very effective in lowering the risk of vaginal and cervical cancers 

Benefits of cloves to other parts of the body besides the vagina

Apart from doing the vagina a world of good, there are other benefits of cloves to the body generally. They include: 

1. Bone mass development

Cloves were found to support the preservation of bone mass. Eugenol-rich clove extract improved multiple osteoporosis indicators and boosted bone density and strength.

In addition to being high in nutrients, cloves are particularly high in manganese, providing 30% of the Daily Value in just 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of powdered cloves, as shown in the nutritional profile. 

Manganese is a mineral that is vital to the health of bones since it plays a role in bone development.

2. Body Pain relief

Oil extracted from cloves is also invaluable in relieving body pain. Dental care continues to use clove oil due to its natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its antiseptic and antibacterial effects.

Cloves help support dull aches, reduce swelling and provide relief from discomfort in those with toothaches, skin breakouts, headaches, and sometimes other conditions to help relieve ulcers.

According to a study, clove extract supports stomach ulcers and has properties similar to those of several anti-ulcer drugs. Clove essential oil has been shown to increase the formation of gastrointestinal mucous.

3. Help keep the liver functioning well

It was discovered that eugenol or clove oil improved liver function, reduced inflammation, and reduced oxidative stress. Liver scarring or symptoms of cirrhosis can be reversed by eugenol. One week of supplementing with eugenol reduced levels of glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), a family of detoxifying enzymes that is frequently a sign of liver illness. Cloves’ antioxidant capacity aids in reducing stress. Eugenol should only be consumed in small doses because a high quantity can be hazardous.

How to make a clove water solution

What you need to o first is to provide a handful of cloves, an empty bottle and clean water.

How to prepare the solution

  1. Pour a handful of cloves into the empty plastic bottle.
  2. Fill up the bottle with clean water
  3. Soak for seven days

Some like to have the process a bit faster so they:

  1. Our the handful of cloves into a clean pot.
  2. Put the pot o a stove to boil for thirty minutes.
  3. Leave it to cool
  4. Pour the mix into the plastic bottle.

How to use the clove solution

  1. You can take a little of the mix to drink first thing n the morning and the last thing before you go to bed at night.
  2. You can also use some of the mixtures to wash your vagina after taking your bath.

Cloves water for vaginal douching

To use the mixture to douche your vagina, you need to follow this procedure:

  1. Get an empty 4-litre bucket the size of a pint gallon.
  2. Get some scent leaves popularly called efirin in the southwest.
  3. Get some salt.

Using the mixture

  1. Pour some of the scents leaves into the bucket, and add some salt.
  2. Pour some boiling water into the bucket and mix properly with a spatula or something of the sort.
  3. Sit on the bucket opening your vagina right on top of the steam coming out of the bucket.
  4. Stay on it for five minutes as the steam works its way into your vagina cleansing it.