Wise Health Living

Does sitting on hot water tighten the vagina?

Does sitting on hot water tighten the vagina?

Sex is one subject every woman is interested in. As humans blessed with sexual organs, we can be expected to put them to good use except if we want to be celibate. The pleasure and purpose gained from sex sometimes are worth the whole hassle connected with it. 

Lots of women find ways to make sure that they receive and give the best when it comes to sex. And many do not get Ultimate pleasure unless they have a vagina that is as tight as they wish.

We understand that among the parts of the human body, the vagina is one of the most elastic taking on different shapes, especially during intercourse and childbirth. It is also amongst the most durable, coming back to shape even after going through processes that would have torn or broken other parts of the body. 

Many Nigerians are crazy about having a tight vagina and will go through whatever they can to ensure that they get it. Some believe that – apart from bringing women sexual pleasure – a tight vagina also gives women some self-esteem when told by the opposite sex that their vaginas are tight. One of the common acts believed by many to work is hot water therapy. Does sitting on hot water tighten the vagina? This article answers the question, discussing everything you need to know. 

What causes vaginas to go loose?

Many Nigerians are quick to judge when they find out that a woman has a loose vagina. Some will say that the woman had been the object of sexual gratification by many men who had passed her around, thus making her have a loose vagina.  

Others will say that she had been blessed with a hole for a vagina and can only satisfy someone with a large phallus.  But research and science show that only two things can affect a vagina’s elasticity, and those two things are age and childbirth. As time goes by and with frequent childbirth, the vagina will loosen naturally. 

Also, as a person gets into their 40s and the estrogen levels begin to drop signalling the beginning of menopause; the vaginal tissue will get thinner and dryer and will eventually become less stretchy than it used to be.

Being “tight” can be a problem

Researchers have come out to show that having a “tight” vagina might actually be a problem.  This means that when a woman feels “tight” she will be either unaroused or less lubricated in her vagina. She could also be distracted or not as turned on as you are.  

Furthermore, she could be uncomfortable or dealing with anxiety, stress, and other mental health conditions.  And sometimes she could just be experiencing hormonal changes. 

They also say that the feeling of tightness doesn’t mean a woman’s vagina is physically small. The male may be just experiencing more friction because she hasn’t gotten enough muscle relaxation or lube in her vagina to help the process go well. This also means the female may be in pain because of the extra friction while the male enjoys himself.

What the “sitting on hot water” is all about

Sitting the vagina on hot water doesn’t actually mean that one will pour hot water on the floor or receipt and sit on it.  this is actually what is called vaginal steaming. this process involves the cleaning or detoxification of the vagina by sitting directly above a steaming bowl of hot water.

What is actually needed here is not the hot water, but the hot steam from it to enter into the vagina and help detoxify it, balance the hormones in it, reduce cramps, provide energy; and as we are trying to prove -tighten it.

This process doesn’t just involve using hot water most of the time, there are actually herbs or some kind of solution mixed with the hot water to get the desired effect. 

Does sitting on hot water tighten the vagina?

There is a conflict of interest when it comes to whether this process works or not. many believe that adding salt, garlic and other herbs into hot water and sitting on it actually helps tighten the vagina. It is claimed that the process actually works. 

Some only use the process to lighten their menstrual flow while others use it to Battle yeast infections. another woman suggested that it helps bring back the vagina into shape after childbirth.  

A number of health experts actually advise women to never try sitting in hot water to tighten their vaginas because of the disadvantages and risks that come with it.

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Disadvantages and risks of sitting on hot water to tighten the vagina

Some of the other sides of this process include

1. Burns 

One could end up with second-degree burns inside the vagina if this process goes out of hand. Sitting on hot water is not exactly a walk in the park and even the steam can become very hot and unbearable.

2. Infections

Medical experts advise that the vagina is good at cleaning out itself. If one decides to clean it themselves, they may end up disrupting the bacteria balance and pH levels of the vagina, leaving it with a nasty infection like bacterial vaginosis or thrush.

The itching gotten from the infection will leave you in severe discomfort.

3. Dryness

Cleaning out the vagina in this process can dry out the vagina and cause natural secretions to cease making the vagina at more risk of cuts, irritation and discomfort. This will go on to disrupt the vagina’s delicate ecosystem, causing a lot of irritation. It also wrecks the vagina’s natural lubrication.

4. Inflammation

The Trauma of this act can cause severe inflammation in the vagina and this is not a good sight as parts of the vagina will become swollen and the sufferer will be in much pain.

How then do you tighten your vagina?

There are only two ways one can tighten their vagina and they include Kegel exercises and Vaginoplasty. 

a. Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises involve the contracting and loosening of your pelvic floor muscles to strengthen the muscles in that area and tighten your vagina. It also helps improve orgasms and tightening of the vagina.

How to tighten the vagina using Kegel exercises

To get a tighter vagina by exercising your Kegels, all you have to do is:

  • Assume a comfortable position by lying on your back.
  • Contract your pelvic floor muscles and hold the contraction for 5 seconds before relaxing for another five seconds.
  • Repeat this procedure at least five times.
  • The more you do this, the better you get at tightening your vaginal muscles and getting that pleasure you seek to get and give during sex.

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b. Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty on the other hand is a rejuvenation surgery that helps to correct the loosening and distention of the vagina. It helps to restore the vagina muscle’s tightening and contraction capacity.

How does vaginoplasty tighten the vagina?

During vaginoplasty, the separated muscles are brought back together, removing the excess mucosa skin from the rear side of the vagina.

During the procedure, a pie-shaped wedge is drawn to designate the superfluous skin to be removed from inside the vagina after determining the amount of tightening required. Tissues beneath the skin are strengthened using powerful sutures. The mucosal skin is sutured closed after the vaginal canal has been tightened. External skin that protrudes from the body can also be decreased for a more beautiful effect.

The result is a tighter vaginal canal which can help you enhance your sexual satisfaction. 

What are the after effects and risks of vaginoplasty?

But beware, because you must be willing to have a lot of money to go for a vaginoplasty. You must also be ready to go through a lot of pain and other risks from the procedure which may include infection and bleeding, along with rare complications.

You would also have no tampon or sanitary pad use for the next eight weeks. No sex is allowed during that time and you may have to use a dilator (a medical device that can be used to help reduce pain in the vagina).

In conclusion

The question: “does sitting on hot water tighten the vagina” will continue to be debated by every female till the close of age but these few points established in this article show that there is to vaginal tightening than having to put your vagina through the agony of sitting on a bowl of hot water that might not even give the desired results. 

Vaginoplasty and Kegel exercises are your surest bet in getting your vagina tighter.