Wise Health Living

Does Cinnamon Tighten the Vagina?

Does Cinnamon Tighten the Vagina?

Does cinnamon tighten the vagina? Well, some believe that it does and others don’t. There is no scientific backing for such a claim and it’s still majorly a myth.

Used mainly as a spice and aromatic condiment, cinnamon is a spice obtained from the bark of the cinnamon tree. They are used as flavouring additives and seasoning in foods including a number of cuisines, sweet and savoury dishes, breakfast cereals, snack foods, bagels, teas, and traditional foods.

One thing that usually attracts people to cinnamon is the aroma and flavour derived from its essential oil and principal component, cinnamaldehyde. It is also known to have numerous other constituents including eugenol.

Cinnamons cannot be traced to their place of origin, but many believe that they come from somewhere between the middle-east and southeast Asia. Historians claim that the ancient Egyptians imported it into their kingdom as far back as 2000 BC. The Egyptians used cinnamon to embalm mummies and in the worship of their deities.

Cinnamon was so valuable that it was seen as a veritable gift to monarchs and other royalty. In ancient times, they also used cinnamon to cure sore throats, arthritis and cough.

China and Indonesia produce most of the world’s supply of cinnamon. The two nations combined produce over 70% of the world’s total supply; with China laying claim to just 30% and Indonesia to 40%.

The vagina itself has seen its history as one of the most important parts of the body, especially in women. It is responsible for reproductive and excretory functions in females. This article answers one of the most commonly asked questions – does cinnamon tighten the vagina?

Does cinnamon really tighten the vagina?

A number of Nigerian women believe that mixing cinnamon with warm milk and either consuming or rubbing it into their vagina will help them tighten it, causing more friction during penetration; while making them and their partner enjoy sexual intercourse. 

They believe that doing this exercise at least 30 minutes before sex will give them all they hope for. Not to be a killjoy, but this assertion has not been scientifically proven and is just seen as a myth from so many origins. 

One thing comes forth to help make the end result justify the means. You cannot tighten your vagina with cinnamon. If you really want to get that done, go and perform Kegel (also known as the pelvic floor) exercises or vaginoplasty.

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What are Kegel exercises?

This is the contracting and loosening of your pelvic floor muscles to strengthen the muscles in that area and tighten your vagina.

Kegel exercises help improve orgasms and tightening of the vagina.

How to exercise your Kegels

To tighten your vagina by exercising your Kegels, all you have to do is:

  • Assume a comfortable position by lying on your back.
  • Contract your pelvic floor muscles and hold the contraction for 5 seconds before relaxing for another five seconds.
  • Repeat this procedure at least five times.
  • The more you do this, the better you get at tightening your vaginal muscles and getting that pleasure you seek to get and give during sex.

What is a Vaginoplasty?

Another way you can tighten your vagina is to go for a procedure called Vaginoplasty. This is a rejuvenation surgery that helps to correct the loosening and distention of the vagina. It helps to restore the vagina muscle’s tightening and contraction capacity. Childbirth (multiple or one), Menopause and age have been known to make the vagina loosen, this procedure helps tighten it, improving its appearance which can help improve the self-esteem of women and solve dysfunction issues in the vagina. The procedure is done for both reconstructive and cosmetic purposes. 

As good as this surgery sounds, it comes with risks like infection, permanent changes in sensation in the vagina, pain and scarring if the procedure is not done well.

With these few points, we can rest assured that the question “does cinnamon tighten the vagina?” is a no. 

Other uses of cinnamon for the vagina

Cinnamon sure does come with other uses for the vagina though, they include: 

1. Balancing pH levels 

If cinnamon does not do any other thing for the good of the vagina, it sure helps to balance the pH levels. Cinnamon is believed to contain probiotic bacteria that help to maintain an acidic pH in the vagina of around 3.8 to 5.0. This helps to keep harmful bacteria at bay and promotes the general health of the female.

Having a high pH causes an increase in the risk of urinary tract infections. apart from that it can also cause an overactive bladder and discomfort while having sexual activity all this generally affects women especially, after menopause.

2. Fighting off yeast infections.

As antibacterial and antifungal cinnamon can help ward off yeast infections. Another advantage is that it can help balance the pH in the vagina. Infections like candidiasis are one of those infections that cinnamon can help put an end to.

3. Acting as an aphrodisiac

Since the vagina is also the organ used to get sexual pleasure, cinnamon also acts as an aphrodisiac. Sexologists believe that cinnamon helps increase sex drive in women when consumed. Its warming properties increase blood flow, having an effect on a female’s libido. Every woman wants to experience the pleasures of sex and cinnamon can help promote frequent sex; which will translate into frequent and better orgasms.  In the end, the woman would have a better State of mind and body that will make other women jealous.

4. Aiding menstruation.

Many women experience a host of issues while menstruating, hey include heavy bleeding, nausea and vomiting. Women experiencing these symptoms can have a respite by taking cinnamon tea. They will experience less bleeding, nausea, vomiting and cramping.

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What are the other benefits of Cinnamon to the female body?

Apart from the vagina, cinnamon also helps do a host of things in the female body including

i. Production of collagen

Collagen is a great anti-ageing substance since it’s what gives skin a supple, young appearance.

Cinnamon has been shown in certain studies to boost collagen formation, which begins to reduce in women around the age of 30.

However, as its primary function is the creation of connective tissue, collagen is also essential to the organism as a whole. In addition to supporting bone health, collagen can help prevent the brittleness that occurs with ageing.

ii. Antioxidant usage

Cinnamon could help the body system as an antioxidant due to the presence of polyphenols and other compounds which can help fight off unwanted microbes in the body. These antioxidants could also help reduce inflammation.

iii. Protection against heart disease

 cinnamon comes in handy and reduces the risk of heart disease. researchers found out that having up to three-quarters of a teaspoon of cinnamon every day could help lower levels of bad cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and triglycerides in the body.

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What are the side effects of taking too much cinnamon?

Everything that has advantages come with its disadvantages, therefore, excessive use of cinnamon causes a few health problems. 

a. Causing breathing problems

Taking too much cinnamon in a single sitting can degenerate into breathing problems because ground cinnamon is so fine and texture that you can make it easy for people to inhale.  asthmatic people or people with breathing problems may be affected if you accidentally inhale the powder.

b. Causing low blood sugar

Taking too much cinnamon might get your blood sugar so low that it becomes too mimic insulin in its function removing sugar from the blood.  this can lead to tiredness, dizziness and fainting.

c. Reacting negatively to medications

Cinnamon in large quantities can negatively affect the function of certain medications such as paracetamol, acetaminophen and statins.  This may cause liver damage in the long run.

d. Increasing the risk of cancer

Cassia cinnamon comes with a compound called coumarin. Studies have shown that this compound may increase the risk of certain cancers affecting the body. How it does so is still unclear, as scientists believe that this compound causes DNA damage over time; paving the way for cancer.

e. Causing mouth sores

 a number of people using products containing Cinnamon flavouring agents I’ve complained of developing mouth sores.  This is believed to be caused by a compound called cinnamaldehyde. This compound is believed to trigger an allergic reaction when consumed in large amounts, bringing about sores in the mouth.

f. Liver damage

Some studies have found that consuming too much coumarin could increase the level of toxins in the liver and damage it over time.

 In conclusion,

After all, is said and done, we finally know the answer to the question: “does cinnamon tighten the vagina?” The answer is no, it doesn’t. We found out that there are other ways to tighten your vagina. We also found out that cinnamon has a host of other benefits to the vagina and the body as a whole. 

Finally, we checked to see the side effects r risks, using too much cinnamon can cause to the body. All these have shown that moderation is the watchword for the use of any food or supplement in the body.