Wise Health Living

Disadvantages Of Postinor-2

What are The Disadvantages Of Postinor-2?

Many people can drone on and on about the disadvantages of postinor-2 and frankly, that is what we have come here to talk about. Yes, it is a drug that helps one avoid what many people call “stories that touch” after one has been carefree during sex.

Some call it a plan B pill, some call it the solution to “cumming inside”, whatever you call it, understand that things do not always come as advertised and that different people experience different things in different ways; some worse than others.

Before digging into the disadvantages of Postinor-2, let us first find out what it is and what it does.

What is Postinor-2?

The morning-after pill, or postinor-2, is exclusively used as an emergency contraceptive. When taken within 72 hours (3 days) following unprotected sexual contact, it is intended to prevent pregnancy. It’s not employed as a reliable, long-term birth control strategy.

The medication’s potency diminishes over time and stops working after pregnancy (implantation) has occurred.

The Postinor-2 component levonorgestrel prevents ovulation and prevents fertilisation. It lowers your chance of becoming pregnant by 57 to 93%.

When used in conjunction with an intrauterine device (IUD), such as Mirena among others, it is helpful for the long-term prevention of pregnancy. You can also have a levonorgestrel-releasing implant in select countries.

What are the disadvantages of Postinor-2?

These can be tagged as “adverse effects” or “side effects” in healthcare/medical science. The usual disadvantages of Postinor-2 include fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. In addition to these symptoms, some people have reported stomach pain, diarrhoea, light-headedness, headaches, painful breasts, increased vaginal bleeding, and skin rashes. Some people may also have additional adverse effects not previously mentioned.

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Where the doctor’s advice comes in the use of Postinor-2

You will need a doctor’s advice to use postinor-2 if you suffer from the following health conditions:

1. High blood pressure

Postinor-2 is one of the estrogen-containing birth control methods that can raise blood pressure. In comparison to those who do not have high blood pressure, women who use these birth control methods have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

2. Heart diseases

Oestrogen-containing forms of contraception like Postinor-2 are significantly less likely to be advised by your doctor if you already have high blood pressure or a heart problem that increases your risk of blood clots.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or blood clots that develop in the lower leg, may also be at higher risk. Due to the blood clot travelling through your circulation to the blood veins in your lungs and obstructing blood flow, this raises your chance of developing pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism is a serious condition that requires urgent care.

3. Diabetes

Although each person is affected by hormones differently, hormonal birth control can influence insulin resistance and hence result in higher blood glucose levels. Some people already experience this when their blood sugar levels or their requirement for insulin increase just before their period.

4. Breast cancer

Hormonal changes are some of the things that cause breast cancer and a sample of women who were using birth control pills or had recently used them were shown to have an increase in breast cancer, according to researchers. The danger looked to rise with continued pill usage. Similar studies revealed that women’s breast cancer risk rebounded to the same level as if they had never taken birth control pills 10 years or more after they stopped taking them.

5. Stroke

Morning-After Pill like Postinor-2 has possible side effects which are present in forms that include the hormone oestrogen. They include heart attack, stroke, and blood clots. And anyone who has had a stroke is most likely to have another if she uses the pill.

6. Eye problems

Though very rare, women who use birth control pills like Postinor-2 can generate eye complications including, dry eye symptoms and corneal disturbances. Other eye-related issues include lens opacities and retinal neuro-ophthalmologic or vascular complications.

Reasons why you may need to stay away from Postinor-2

In light of this, let us talk about how the reasons why you need to stay away from Postior-2

You need to stay away from Postior-2 entirely if you suffer the following:

a. Liver conditions

People with acute liver disease and other liver conditions are advised to stay off contraceptives. Tumour-like lesions of the liver have also been reported in people with liver conditions using contraceptive pills like Postinor-2. People may experience spontaneous rupture of the liver with evidence of hemoperitoneum.

b. You had sexual intercourse more than 72 hours ago.

One should be aware that the first 24 hours following intercourse is when you should take Postinor-2 since it is 95% effective at that time, if you delay for 72 hours, you shouldn’t waste your time buying the pill. You need to think about getting a pregnancy test instead. You may have taken it in.

Your cycle’s timing has an impact on how the pill functions as well. Before ovulation is when Postinor-2 performs at its finest.

c. You are already pregnant and expecting

If you are already pregnant, avoid using POSTINOR since it won’t work even though it won’t hurt you or the unborn child. if you have an allergy to POSTINOR’s other components or levonorgestrel.

Although using birth control pills close to conception may increase the chance of low birth weight, premature birth, or urinary tract issues in infants, evidence suggests that taking birth control pills during early pregnancy won’t increase the risk of birth abnormalities.

d. You are experiencing significant, unexplained vaginal bleeding.

Birth control drugs, such as Postinor-2, can occasionally result in irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting between periods. These hormone-based birth control treatments are also used to manage irregular vaginal bleeding brought on by other illnesses.

Women who have unusual vaginal bleeding should see a doctor since it may be an indication of a dangerous underlying condition. A woman on hormone-based birth control during the first few months may have unusual bleeding. It also occurs while altering the oestrogen dosage or birth control pill brand.

A woman may experience irregular bleeding if she takes her birth control pill incorrectly, skipping doses, or not at the same time every day. It can also occur as a result of prolonged usage of birth control, which can harm the uterine lining and result in bleeding.

e. The drug causes an allergic response or hypersensitivity in you

A woman may experience irregular bleeding if she takes her birth control pill incorrectly, skipping doses, or not at the same time every day.

It can also occur as a result of prolonged usage of birth control, which can harm the uterine lining and result in bleeding.

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Important things to keep in mind when utilising Postinor-2

  • The need to deliver Postinor-2 twice, with a 12-hour gap between each dosage, cannot be overstated.
  • It’s crucial to remember that you must take the next dose in the series and call your doctor for a replacement if regurgitation (vomiting) happens within two hours of taking the first dose.
  • If the second dosage is not taken as prescribed, consult a doctor to find out if you need to keep up with the therapy.
  • Just once every four months, up to three times a year, should Postinor-2 be given.

What then can people use to prevent pregnancies besides Postinor-2?

A number of ways are available to one if one keeps experiencing the disadvantages of Postinor-2. They include:

1. Behavioural contraceptive methods

These methods for preventing conception rely on knowledge of the menstrual cycle, male and female reproductive physiology, as well as other relevant subjects, as opposed to employing medications, herbs, devices, or other barriers.

There are two different categories of behavioural interventions: those that are independent of the menstrual cycle (such as abstinence or coitus interruptus) and those that are dependent on the cycle.

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) and “Natural” Family Planning are the two kinds of approaches that are dependent on the menstrual cycle (NFP). Although FAM includes methods that rely on women to detect physiological changes during their menstrual cycle, NFP relies on the menstrual calendar to determine which days are likely to be fertile and which days are not.

2. Sterilization approach

Sterilization, a term used to describe a number of medical birth control techniques, makes a person sterile on purpose. Both surgical and non-surgical methods can be used to sterilise both males and females. Sterilization procedures are typically difficult or impossible to reverse since they are supposed to be permanent.

There are various sterilisation techniques, but the two that are most frequently used are tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men. There are several different ways to sterilise the tubes. It frequently needs surgery and functions quite effectively. There are certain situations in which sterilisation can be reversed, but not all.

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3. Inter-uterine devices (IUD)

An intrauterine device (IUD), also known as an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD or ICD), or coil, is inserted into the uterus to prevent conception. It is a small, typically T-shaped birth control device. One kind of reversible long-acting birth control is the IUD (LARC).

The birth control methods that provide users with the most satisfaction are IUDs and other contraceptive implants.

IUDs can be used safely and efficiently by both teens and those who have never given birth. After an IUD is removed, fertility quickly returns to normal, even after extensive use.

Another viable option to all of this trouble is to use the plain old condom whether it makes sex feel less enjoyable or not. It is better to be safe than sorry.

In conclusion

Now that we have found out about the disadvantages of Postinor-2, ways to keep ourselves from suffering in case this happens and the various substitutes to using Postinor-2; we can say that we have all it takes to enjoy sex without so much worry and pain.

Remember, it is always best to consult your doctor and ask questions before using any contraceptive method.