Wise Health Living

Can Salt And Water Flush Pregnancy?

Can Salt And Water Flush Pregnancy?

People —especially those who are not ready for the commitment of having a child —nearly always get to ask, “can salt and water flush pregnancy?”.

This can be a disturbing question to ask especially considering the touchy subject of religious, traditional and societal scholars who would spend as much time and energy as possible campaigning against contraceptives, birth control and abortion methods.

Looking deep into the topic at hand, we would want to find out all elements that have to do with the question: can salt and water flush pregnancy?

Let us start by finding out what a pregnancy is.

What is a pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the term used to refer to the time during which a woman develops one or more offspring inside her uterus (womb). Although sexual activity is the most common way to become pregnant, assisted reproductive technology treatments are also an option. The outcome of a pregnancy might be a live birth, miscarriage, forced abortion, or stillbirth.

The gestational age is the period after the start of the last menstrual period (LMP) when childbirth normally occurs. It’s been a little over nine months. According to the age of fertilisation, the duration is roughly 38 weeks. Pregnancy is defined as “the presence of a human embryo or foetus implanted in the uterus.” Implantation usually happens 8 to 9 days after conception.

During the first seven weeks after implantation, or at ten weeks gestation, the growing child is referred to as an embryo. Afterwards, the term foetus is used until delivery.

What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

Different people get to experience different signs or symptoms when they get pregnant. Some of the most common ones are:

1. Tiredness

Some people get tired easily when they are pregnant. The toll of creating another human being is enough to make a person run out of steam.

2. Nausea and regurgitation

Lots of people get to feel nausea when they are pregnant and this involves them feeling like they want to vomit. Sometimes, they actually get to vomit and this mostly happens during the first trimester.

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Why do people get pregnant?

People do get pregnant for various reasons. Procreation is one. Humans are made naturally to pass on their genes to a new creature that comes forth from them. They want offspring that will continue on to the next phase of human evolution when they get old, and/or die.

Humans also get pregnant because they are mandated by society to have offspring when they come of age or are married.

Many of our religious and societal institutions have registered this ideology deep in our minds that the sole aim of marriage is to have children and that a marriage without children is not one.

Many people get stigmatized if they do not get married or have children at the expected time. It has even been observed that people may stigmatize someone with children who is not married but have it on a reduced level because she has broken the barrier and shown that she is fertile and reproductive.

Some others get pregnant to show that they love someone enough to create a lasting bond by making a baby with them. There are many relationships which have a phenomenon called a “love child” with both parents not married but in love. Some see it as the ultimate gift to show their partner how much they love them.

Some people have been known to get pregnant for business or to fulfil a goal or a necessity. An example of this is when people get pregnant because it is in a condition to gain access to property or inheritance when they become pregnant.

Why people would want to “flush out” a pregnancy

Although becoming pregnant is a happy and honourable experience in many cultures and religions, many women have had to terminate their pregnancies. 

More than 2.2 million young girls and women are estimated to have had undesired pregnancies each year, which may seem horrifying or to be in contradiction with the fundamental nature of pregnancies in these cultures and faiths.

According to these figures, it is one of the more than 121 million unintended pregnancies that are yearly documented globally.

The failure to use safe, contemporary methods of contraception and the inability to firmly refuse sex is blamed for many of these unintended births. The sensitive issues of rape, child sexual abuse, and child marriage are additional to this.

Some people think that because they are not psychologically or emotionally ready to have children, they should terminate the pregnancy. Some think having kids might thwart their future ambitions.

A portion of people believes that neglecting their older children will result in having a new kid. Some people bring up the problem of not having enough money to support a child. Several women decide to become pregnant as a result of problems with their partners.

Since they are not self-sufficient or mature enough to bear children, some women choose to terminate their pregnancies. Some women are forced to abort due to health concerns while others choose to discontinue their pregnancies as a result of pressure and influence from family and friends.

Because of the shame associated with having a kid at a young age or having an unmarried child, some women choose to get abortions. Many individuals just do not want children, so they get abortions to remove them.

Can salt and water flush pregnancy?

No, salt water cannot be used to flush out a pregnancy. When posed with this question, someone that has an inclination to the way the body works will understand that salt and water can be used for a list of things in the body, and not to get rid of a pregnancy.  Salt and water can only be considered during a Saline abortion.

What is a saline abortion?

In order to end the pregnancy, a doctor administers saline (sterile salt water) injections into the amniotic sac (the fluid that the baby is floating in ).

This may sound horrific, but this procedure attempts to burn the baby’s lungs, eyes, mouth and skin and usually ends up killing the baby prior to birth

Unfortunately and fortunately, the baby sometimes is stillborn alive and there have been a few cases where the child has grown to adulthood without any major trouble.

One thing to keep in mind is the fact that saline abortion can be dangerous to the person doing it if the saline gets into her bloodstream. This procedure is not used very often because of the risk to the patient and is dumped for others.

It used to be used for late-term abortions, but it required hospitalization and took hours. In essence, the lady went through labour and gave birth to the foetus.

It is advisable that any woman who wishes to get an abortion should speak with a doctor who is qualified to do this surgery.

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What are the benefits of salt and water to the body? 

Some of the benefits of salt water to the body include: 

  1. It helps in rehydrating the body after a long workout or after having a purge of the stomach. It helps by replacing the electrolytes that have been expounded by the body.
  2. Gargling some salt and water helps with healing inflammation in the mouth. It helps fight off the throat, gum and mouth bacteria and improves overall dental health.
  3. Drinking salt water can help you when you have got indigestion. It helps break down the food in your stomach. It also triggers the salivary glands to produce more saliva which starts the digestion process from the mouth.
  4. This solution helps one flush out toxins from one’s body. The mix would make you pee more, releasing toxins from your system and helping work your bowel movement which will make you use the toilet. This is commonly referred to as the “salt and water flush”.
  5. This solid mixture helps in helping curb dysentery or diarrhoea once and for all. It will induce you to use the toilet and get all of what is inside out once and for all.
  6. Salt and water solution can help improve your skin by clearing off dead skin during exfoliation. You can make it a thing to wash your face with salt and water every morning to make your skin glow and look good, Just do not do it when you have a wound in the face as it can increase inflammation.

How to properly “flush out” a pregnancy

Here are some of the options if a woman decides she does not want to carry a baby to term for health and other reasons and needs to carry out either a medication abortion or a surgical abortion. Generally, these abortions are highly dependent on how long the pregnancy has been in place.

1. Medication abortion

This is popularly known as “using the abortion pill”. The RU-486 abortion drug may be prescribed to a woman within the first nine weeks of pregnancy.  

Medication abortion is typically a combination of two medications Mifepristone and misoprostol.

Mifepristone, which inhibits progesterone, a crucial pregnancy hormone, will be administered to the lady first. The lining of a woman’s uterus, which houses the implanted embryo, is made to lose its blood supply and split from the uterus’s wall as a result of mifepristone.

The lady is given a separate drug next called misoprostol (also known as cytotec), which triggers extremely strong uterine contractions to force the uterus’ contents out.

2. Surgical abortion

This takes on a different approach and is highly dependent on the age of the pregnancy. In areas where late-term abortions are permitted, they can be carried out up until the third trimester of pregnancy. Depending on how far along in her pregnancy the lady is, several surgical abortion methods may be used.

How surgical abortion works

For pregnancies up to 12 weeks: During the first trimester, the growing embryo is extracted from the uterus using a suction or hoover aspirator. The most popular approach during the first trimester is suction aspiration.

In conclusion,

Women can also keep themselves from going through having to make the tough decision of abortion by using contraceptives or taking the emergency contraceptive pill. A stitch in time, they say, saves nine. It is better to be safe than sorry. Practising safe ad protected sex is a better option for avoiding trouble than finding out answers to the question – can salt and water flush pregnancy.