Wise Health Living

Can Guava Leaves Cause Abortion

Can Guava Leaves Cause Abortion? Everything You Need to Know

When thinking of getting an abortion, a lot of women get to take some very silly decisions including asking questions like “Can Guava leaves cause abortion”. These questions come forth owing to the pressure they face especially if the pregnancy is unwanted or unintended.

 Can guava leave cause an abortion? This article looks at the myths and what science has to say about the popular conception.

What are unwanted pregnancies?

An unwanted pregnancy is one that was not intended at the time of conception.

These also include pregnancies that occurred when a person already had children or when having more children was not planned. It also includes having a pregnancy that was improperly timed, such as by beginning earlier than expected.

In Nigeria, unwanted pregnancies are highly prevalent. A 2015 study found that unwanted pregnancies occurred 26.6% of the time while abortions happened 21.7% of the time. It was anticipated that between 2010 and 2014, it will be responsible for 44% of all conceptions, or 62 unintended pregnancies for every 1000 women between the ages of 15 and 44.

Younger, sexually active girls or women, unmarried women living with partners, those who are poor or have low incomes, and those who are illiterate or have low levels of education.

Women with secondary school or less had the highest percentage of undesired pregnancies and non-consensual/abusive sex across all educational levels are all causes of unwanted pregnancies.

Undesired effects of unwanted pregnancies

The undesired effects of unwanted pregnancies include:

1. A decrease in mother-child attachment 

2. Use of drugs or alcohol while pregnant

3. Maternal fatalities

4. Mental health issues 

5. A delayed start to prenatal treatment

6. An increase in preterm births and low birth weight

7. Relationship stress

8. Adoption

9. Child abuse and abandonment rates have increased.

10. A decrease in nursing 

11. Failed attempts at preconception care

12. Abortions that are induced

What are guavas?

Guavas are tropical fruits that are cultivated around the world in tropical and subtropical climates. Guava trees come in two varieties: lemon guava and apple guava. There are further strawberry and pineapple guava varieties. The driver is thought to have come from the Caribbean, northern South America, and Mexico.

India currently contributes over 45% of the global guava output, making it the top producer in the world.

Guava fruits have a reputation for offering more than just a sour-sweet, pleasant snack; they also promote total bodily wellness.

The guava, often known as the “queen of fruits,” has many health advantages, including enhancing immunity, reducing stress, preventing diabetes, and aiding in weight reduction.

Moreover, it has been demonstrated to support women’s ovulation, enhancing fertility and improving chances of conception.

The leaves can be cooked into a herbal tea and consumed once or twice a week to assist increase fertility.

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Benefits of Guava leaves to the body

There are a host of benefits guava leaves to the body they include:

1. Treatment of fibroids

Guava leaves’ organosulfur concentration, which is thought to contribute to fibroids’ natural dissolution without interfering with other biological processes, has the ability to reduce inflammation.

By blocking the fallopian tubes, non-cancerous growths called fibroids that develop in or near the uterus can affect fertility and cause miscarriages.

Despite the lack of clear research, using guava leaves may help manage fibroids and therefore enhance conception. This is supported by other sources.

2. Malaria medication

Guava leaves contain quinine, which is crucial for treating malaria. We’ll be back and Discuss and work of more plants. As the tea is consumed to fight the sickness internally, the steam from the boiling herbs is breathed to help lower the temperature.

3. Libido-enhancing

Guava leaves also serve as a natural aphrodisiac for both men and women, aiding in the treatment of infertility issues.

Guava leaves are supposed to stimulate blood flow to the genitalia, increasing desire, which is essential for pregnancy.

4. Diabetes, indigestion, diarrhoea, and sugar regulation in the body

These are only a few of the ailments and signs that guava leaf extracts could be able to treat.

5.  Increasing the sperm count

According to studies, guava leaves are especially beneficial for boosting male fertility by increasing sperm production in addition to boosting female fertility.

Apart from the leaves, the guava fruit comes in handy to help solve health issues and strengthen the body.

Benefits of consuming guava fruit for health.

Guavas additionally offer the following benefits:

  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It is one of nature’s best sources of vitamin C.
  • This is a great morning sickness remedy if taken in the morning.
  • Due to its high water and fibre content, it aids in preventing dehydration.
  • Consuming guava when pregnant helps keep blood pressure stable.
  • Due to its low glycemic index, it aids in the management of gestational diabetes.

How to prepare guava leaves for herbal tea

Guava leaves may be used to brew tea, which will aid in helping with a host of health issues.

  • Choose a guava tree and remove part of its leaves.
  • Some people also removed some bark to boil.
  • With clean water, wash the bark and leaves.
  • For 20 minutes, bring to a boil in a saucepan with water.
  • Repeat the process twice or three times to remove the leaves using a fine cloth.
  • Your herbal guava tea is now ready to be sipped.
  • Guava tea leftovers can be kept in the refrigerator and warmed to serve later.

What is the meaning of an Abortion?

The act of terminating or ending a pregnancy is known as an abortion. There are two ways to have an abortion, one of which is a pharmaceutical abortion in which the pregnancy is ended with drugs. They go by the names “abortion with pills” or “medical abortion” depending on who you ask.

surgery to end a pregnancy; the pregnancy is removed from the uterus. This process is also known as a “surgical abortion” by certain individuals.

What drives individuals to get abortions?

There are several reasons why people would participate in and have pregnancies removed, and these reasons are often attributed to financial restrictions or a lack of parental preparation. These are them:

  • Some people feel that they are not intellectually or emotionally ready to become parents.
  • Some think having kids might thwart their future ambitions.
  • A portion of people believes that neglecting their older children will result in having a new kid.
  • Some people bring up the problem of not having enough money to support a child.
  • Several women decide to become pregnant as a result of problems with their partners.
  • Few people terminate their babies because they lack the maturity or independence to be parents.
  • Some women are forced to abort due to health concerns.
  • Some women choose to discontinue their pregnancies as a result of pressure and influence from family and friends.
  • Because of the shame associated with having a kid at a young age or having an unmarried child, some women choose to get abortions.
  • Many individuals just do not want children, so they get abortions to remove them.

If you are thinking about obtaining an abortion, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. Your doctor may go through the benefits and drawbacks of each procedure as well as the steps involved. Several nations and faiths have outlawed abortion, making it a crime and imposing Biblical or Qur’anic penalties to deter individuals from terminating pregnancies.

Thus, be aware of your country’s, religion’s, and culture’s opposition to abortion before you have one.

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Can Guava leaves cause abortion of a pregnancy?

In the scheme of things and empirical evidence, there is no fact answering the question “can guava leaves cause abortion or cause a miscarriage. However, we cannot completely rule out the disadvantage that could come with ingesting just about anything while one is pregnant. Pregnancy is a very delicate affair and one must ensure that one does not get to compromise health standards when one is pregnant.

Also for those who go on to ingest different concussions to ensure that they get rid of the pregnancy, let us understand that inducing yourself to have an abortion with the ingesting of substances into your body will most likely have adverse effects on your health and may cause some serious health complications to you in the future.

Proper ways to abort a pregnancy

Just two methods—having the pregnancy surgically removed or using pills—are guaranteed to end a pregnancy if one truly has to do so due to emergency circumstances.

Surgical abortion of a pregnancy

This form of abortion mostly employs the hoover aspiration, a moderate suctioning technique. Even though you could spend many hours at the clinic, the actual procedure normally only takes 5 to 10 minutes to accomplish.

To have this procedure, you must be in your first trimester or the first three months of pregnancy. (This implies that you are fewer than 12 weeks pregnant.)

A tiny tube is then inserted into your uterus after the opening in your cervix has been gradually widened with progressively larger rods. With gentle suction, the pregnancy is removed, including the foetus and placenta. Another tool for making sure the uterus is empty is the curette.

To assist soften the cervix in preparation for the surgery, hormone-blocking pills may be used.

Following the operation, several people experienced bleeding. If this keeps happening, the abortion might not have be finished. Infections brought on by incomplete abortions can occasionally develop into Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, a persistent illness (PID).

The patient’s cervixes may also sustain damage, which weakens them and makes future pregnancies problematic.

Abortion using medication

Using pills to perform an abortion requires a number of steps and two different medications.

To start, you take a medication called mifepristone to stop the pregnancy from progressing. After taking mifepristone, some individuals have nausea or bleeding. Your doctor or nurse may also give you medications to use to prevent infection.

The second medication is known as misoprostol. Your uterus empties when you take this drug, which might lead to cramps and bleeding. Your doctor or nurse will instruct you on how and when to take the misoprostol; you may take it right away or up to 48 hours after taking the first pill.

 After taking misoprostol, the majority of people have cramping and bleeding for 1-4 hours.

It’s common to see large blood clots or tissue clumps throughout the treatment. It feels like a heavy, painful period, and it behaves very much like an early miscarriage. If 24 hours have passed since taking the second medication and you have not bled, it is suggested to notify your nurse or doctor.

The bleeding and cramping may continue for several hours. Within 4-5 hours, the pregnant tissue often passes, however, it might take longer. The cramping and bleeding stop once the pregnant tissue has been removed. Throughout the next day or two, cramping can come and go.

Compared to medical abortion, sometimes referred to as “the abortion pill,” surgical abortion is generally accessible later in pregnancy. But, state laws and the policies of the clinic or hospital you visit will determine how late into a pregnancy you can get an abortion.

Depending on local laws, this technique may be carried out either legally or unlawfully. These treatments make no mention of the number of raw eggs necessary to cause a pregnancy to end.

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In conclusion,

Now that we understand the answer to the question: “Can Guava leaves cause abortion?” and we know the proper channels to get the abortion done; that also does not give one the leeway to go on aborting babies without caution.

As a matter of fact, depending on the laws of the area you are in, you may or may not be convicted for carrying out an abortion if it does not threaten the life or health of the mother.

The surest way to lay off troubles like this is to practice safe and protected sex or just abstain.