Wise Health Living

What are the Benefits Of Sitting On Hot Water And Salt Vaginal Steaming?

What are the Benefits Of Sitting On Hot Water And Salt Vaginal Steaming?

Every woman wants to have that feeling of cleanliness around them. They want to have a clean house; they want to have a clean environment; they want to have clean kids and they want to have – amongst other things – a clean body.

Paramount among the parts of the body they want to be optimally clean are their private parts – chief among these being their vagina

To many – if not all women – the vagina is considered to be the holiest of holies, and they will not want a scenario where it is reeking of foul odour or something nasty; making them become repulsed by either their partners or the public.

It is no news that having a clean vagina does your body good. It gives you an overall level of health -especially in that region, and it makes you feel good and comfortable as a woman.

Amongst the various methods women have developed for use in cleaning their vaginas, one of them really stands out, and that is the practice of using salt and hot water for a process called vaginal steaming.

What is vaginal steaming?

Vaginal steaming involves using hot water and various remedies to cleanse the vagina, reduce menstrual cramps, give effective relief from bloating and regulate menstruation.

The process of doing this involves sitting or squatting over a steaming bowl of hot water mixed with salt have another mixture. The steam from this mix rises up and into the uterus, cleaning it while promoting vaginal health.

During this procedure, the woman would have a blanket or some sort of covering wrapped around her lower body while she sits, to prevent the steam from escaping beyond the vaginal area; this process may last from 20 minutes to an hour.

This practice has been traced to ancient Greek times when women were made to squat above a concoction of herbs in a sealed jar, smoked from a flaming hole in the ground.

Smoke from the hole is channelled into the vagina using a Reed. This procedure was known as “fumigation”.

The reason for the ancient Greeks doing this procedure is somewhat funny and silly. Ancient Greeks believe that the uterus wanders up and around the body looking for moisture. Steaming the vagina with the smoke of herbs is believed to keep the uterus in place.

They further backed up their claim with the belief that if the uterus does not get enough moisture, it will cause the woman to be infertile or suffer from conversion disorder, a condition where a mental health issue disrupts how one’s brain works.

Many women now see using hot water and salt and a mixture as a good recipe for steaming one’s vagina. But before we go further in, let us see the reasons why women practice vaginal steaming.

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Benefits of sitting on hot water and salt vaginal steaming

Women have come up with a lot of reasons why they need to sit on top of a hot steaming bowl of salt and water. They see the benefits of sitting on hot water and salt vaginal steaming. Some of them include

1. To cleanse the vagina.

Vaginal steaming has been seen by many women as a way to detoxify the vagina from harmful bacteria or other microorganisms that can affect its overall health.

2. Providing faster recovery after childbirth

Many women practice vaginal steaming to get their vaginas back in shape after childbirth. It is believed that letting the vagina stay without steaming would cause the vagina to become loose and keep the belly from getting back into shape. 

Sitting atop a mixture of herbs or other salt and hot water, while also applying heat on the belly is believed to help bring the woman back into comfort and health after childbirth.

This is also backed up by the claim that not steaming the vagina would cause health complications as they have to remove the rest of the bad blood and remnants of birthing from the womb.

3. Balancing hormones

We understand that an average woman is a flurry of hormones and these hormones affect their overall behaviour and body functionality. 

Some women believe that vaginal steaming helps to balance the hormones in the body; making sure that the woman lives an optimal, healthy life.

4. Fertility

Every woman has the hope of being fertile enough to carry and birth a child. This hope is buttressed —in some women —with vaginal steaming.

There is a belief that the steam from the herbs or mixture will help create an environment healthy enough to carry a pregnancy safely.

5. Haemorrhoid relief

Haemorrhoids can be a very painful experience and many women seek relief from it by squatting or sitting over a steaming bowl of herbs or other mixtures.

6. Ease menstrual cramps

Cramps are some of the side effects of menstruation and a whole lot of women suffer every time their period comes. Some women believe that by steaming their vaginas, they will get much-needed relief from cramps.

7. Vaginal tightening

There are women who believe that vaginal steaming helps to tighten their vagina, giving the most pleasure and sexual satisfaction both to them and their partners.

8. Stress relief

Lots of women believe that steaming their vaginas will help them relieve stress. They believe that the active content of the herbs infused into their bodies, through the steam, going through their vagina, would help them relax.

9. Treating infections 

Vaginal steaming is believed to help women treat infections affecting their vaginas. They support this notion with the claim that it helps kill bacteria and other microorganisms that causes infections like Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and toilet infections.

10. Improving vaginal odour

Some women claim that steaming their vagina with salt and water helps in removing musty odours from the vagina, replacing it with a fresher, healthier musk.

Since the steam only reaches the outer part of the uterus, many experts have claimed that these reasons are not all reliable. 

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How do Women Sit On Hot Water and Salt?

The process followed include:

  • Carefully selected herbs are soaked in water and heated till it produce steam
  • The woman positions herself above the steaming container sitting on a special chair made for this purpose
  • The steam rises gradually and makes contact with her vagina and its surrounding areas

What are the risks associated with sitting on hot water and salt vaginal steaming?

There is more than one risk that comes purported benefits of sitting on hot water and salt vaginal steaming. They include.

a. Infections

According to medical specialists, the vagina is capable of cleansing itself. If you clean it yourself, you risk altering the vagina’s bacteria balance and pH levels, leaving it with a terrible illness like bacterial vaginosis or thrush.

The itching caused by the infection is guaranteed to cause you great suffering.

b. Burns

If this procedure gets out of hand, one might end up with second-degree burns inside the vagina. Sitting in hot water is not easy, and even the vapour may become quite hot and uncomfortable.

c. Inflammation

This act’s trauma can create serious inflammation in the vagina, which is not a nice sight since sections of the vagina will grow bloated and the patient will be in a lot of discomfort.

d. Dryness

Cleaning out the vagina during this procedure might dry it out and cause natural secretions to stop, putting the vagina in danger of cuts, irritation, and pain. This will then upset the delicate ecology of the vagina, producing a lot of inflammation. It also destroys vaginal lubrication.

e. Possible miscarriage

It is believed that the harmful steam from the process can cause a woman who is pregnant to have a miscarriage due to the trauma the vagina would be having at that time.

Other surprising Health Benefits of Sitting on Hot Water and Salt

Other benefits of sitting on hot water and salt include:

i. Improved circulation

Absorbing heat from hot water causes the blood vessels to dilate, therefore, enhancing blood flow and circulation all throughout the body.

ii. Postpartum Healing

Some cultures today, practice vagina steaming after the woman gives birth in order to encourage healing and toning of vaginal tissues in the body.

iii. Hormonal Balance

Some advocates claim that steaming the body can help balance hormone levels, thereby, promoting overall reproductive health.

iv. Detoxification

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. Some believe that steaming the body with salted bath water can help draw out toxins from the body through the skin. However, science has not been able to firmly establish this fact.

V. Skin Benefits

Salty water can also have exfoliating properties which ensures dead skin cells fall off the body, therefore, promoting softer and smoother skin.

What are the alternatives to vaginal streaming with salt and hot water?

Many people have been made to believe that their vagina is taboo, a dirty area that has to be cleaned all the time. This should not be so. One’s vagina is the epicentre of one’s womanhood and should be treated with care. Here are a few alternatives one can employ instead of steaming your vagina with salt and hot water.

  • If you feel cramps during your periods, you can use an analgesic to help with the pain. you can also consider exercising or using a heating pad.
  • For terrible cramps, you should call your doctor and explain to him how you feel. You might just be struggling with conditions like endometriosis (chronic inflammation outside the uterus) or adenomyosis (when the tissue that normally lines the uterus (endometrial tissue) grows into the muscular wall of the uterus.). These conditions require urgent medical attention.
  • If you have to cleanse your vagina, you will need to keep it simple by washing your vagina with your hands using hypoallergenic cleaners or just clean water.
  • For those who seek to tighten their vaginas, let them go and practice Kegel exercises or spend their money on obtaining a vaginoplasty.
  • Heat and herbs can be used in safer ways for period comfort. Sip a warm cup of herbal tea while applying a hot water bottle to your pelvic region.

What are the Side Effects of Sitting on Hot Water and Salt?

Some of the potential side effects of sitting on hot water and salt include:

1. Skin Burns and Irritation

Hot water can burn the skin or cause irritations if the temperature is too high or the woman sits in it for too long. Depending on the individual, a woman with sensitive skin may also get exposed to allergic reactions or skin irritations.

2. Risk of falls or accidents

Depending on the setup, getting into and exiting baths can be dangerous due to slippery floors or simply being light-headed from the heating process. A fall could lead to serious injuries.

3. Dehydration

Lengthy exposure to heat will lead to excess sweating and eventual dehydration if uncontrolled. Therefore, it is important to actively stay hydrated by drinking water before and after the process.

4. Allergic Reactions

This varies from one individual to another. Some people may be allergic to herbs placed in the bath water due to their skin being more sensitive.

5. Higher Blood pressure

People with high blood pressure condition may experience a spike due to heat from the hot water causing blood vessels to dilate. It is likely, but not certain.

6. Pregnancy Risk

Pregnant woman are advised to avoid hot water baths and salts, especially, at the early stages of their pregnancy. This is because high water temperatures could be harmful to the developing fetus.

7. Vaginal PH Disruption

The vagina is a sensitive area of the body and steaming with hot water may disrupt the delicate pH balance. This may lead to general imbalances, irritation and even infection.

Frequently Asked Questions On Sitting On Hot Water and Salt

Is Hot Water and Salt Bathing Safe for Everyone?

Bathing in hot water with added salt can be a soothing and therapeutic experience, but it’s important to understand that it may not be suitable for all individuals. If you have underlying medical conditions like heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, or skin sensitivities, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional before attempting this practice. Pregnant women should also take care, as excessively hot water can pose risks to the baby.

What Type of Salt is Used for Hot Water and Salt Baths? 

Epsom salt, typically composed of magnesium sulfate, is a popular choice for hot water and salt baths, known for its potential muscle-relaxing properties. While other salts such as sea salt or Himalayan pink salt can be used, the specific salt type used is not likely to significantly alter the overall benefits.

How long Should I stay in a Hot Water and Salt Bath?

The duration of your hot water and salt bath can vary based on personal preference and heat tolerance. Typically, a bath should last between 15 to 30 minutes. It’s important not to overdo it, as prolonged exposure to hot water can lead to dehydration or other unwanted effects.

Can I Add Essential Oils or Other Ingredients to the Bathwater?

Feel free to enhance your bathing experience by incorporating essential oils or natural ingredients like lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus oil into the bathwater. These additions can provide extra relaxation and pleasant aromas.

What is the Appropriate Water Temperature for a Hot Water and Salt Bath? 

The water should be comfortably warm rather than scalding hot. The recommended temperature usually falls between 100°F to 104°F (37.7°C to 40°C). If the water feels too hot, it’s crucial to let it cool down before getting in.

How Often Should I Take Hot Water and Salt Baths? 

The frequency of these baths depends on individual preferences and needs. Some people find it beneficial to indulge in them several times a week, while others may prefer a less frequent schedule. It’s vital to listen to your body and avoid overuse, which could lead to skin irritation or other issues.

Can Hot Water and Salt Baths Treat Specific Medical Conditions? 

Hot water and salt baths can provide relaxation and potential relief for muscle discomfort, but they should not replace medical treatment. They may complement other therapies for specific conditions but should not be the sole solution for medical issues.

Does Sitting on Hot Water and Dettol for Infection Work? 

Utilizing hot water and Dettol (an antiseptic disinfectant brand) for treating infections, especially in sensitive areas like the vaginal region, is not recommended. Dettol is intended for external use only and should not be applied internally, as it may cause irritation and disrupt the natural bacterial balance, potentially exacerbating problems.

If you have an infection, it’s essential to seek proper medical advice and treatment from a healthcare professional who can recommend safe and effective remedies tailored to your specific condition. Incorrect use of antiseptics can be more harmful than helpful and should never substitute appropriate medical care.

In conclusion

There is no standard scientific acclimation that our benefits of sitting on hot water and salt vaginal steaming.  Everybody wants to give themself the best health and the vagina enjoys this belief too, but we should be careful not to put our vaginal health in jeopardy while trying to do this.