Wise Health Living

Benefits of Drinking Clove Water for Fertility

Top 7 Benefits of Drinking Clove Water for Fertility

Society encourages having children and places pressure on those who cannot have children either because they do not want to have children or have problems with fertility. Fortunately, there are several natural efforts that can aid fertility among which is clove. There are several benefits of drinking clove water for fertility, all of which will be discussed in this article. 

What are cloves? 

Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum.  They are believed to have originated from the Maluku Islands (or Moluccas) in Indonesia and are commonly used as a spice, and flavouring fragrance in consumer products, such as toothpaste, soaps, or cosmetics. 

One great thing to note is that Cloves are available throughout the year owing to different harvest seasons across various countries. 

For the average Nigerian, the word “cloves” may be a bit too vague for them; all you have to do is to tell them that it is that “pepper” used to make Zobo, a popular drink made locally.

How does clove water help cure infertility?

It has been found that the mix obtained from soaking cloves in water can aid or boost fertility. Drinking clove water is believed to boost ovulation and increases a woman’s chances of conception. Women who have difficulty conceiving are advised to take clove water to aid ovulation. 

The active chemicals in the cloves are believed to increase the secretion of LH. 

How does clove water aid ovulation?

The LH is the hormone that stimulates the ovaries to release eggs during ovulation and menstruation.

Women are advised to drink the clove water mix immediately after their last menstrual period. They are also advised to take the mix morning and evening until their next ovulation. This is one sure way of enjoying one of the benefits of drinking clove water for fertility. 

1. Relief from menstrual cramps

Easily one of the benefits of drinking clove water for fertility, it is worth mentioning that drinking clove water during your ovulatory period helps to reduce menstrual cramps.

Many of these claims are not officially proven, but fertility experts have been known to suggest drinking cloves water to men to help boost their sperm count.

2. Increase in sperm production and count

Other ways that count as one of the benefits of drinking clove water for fertility is the fact that it helps increase sperm production and improve motility, and semen/sperm volume. Clove water is believed to treat oligospermia and azoospermia. 

Oligospermia happens when you have a low sperm count. This shows that you have fewer than 15 million sperm in 1 millilitre of semen. A typical sperm count has more than 15 million sperm cells per 1 millilitre of semen. Oligospermia is also known in the medical world as oligozoospermia.

On the other hand, Azoospermia is a complete absence of sperm from the fluid ejaculated during orgasm (semen).

There is also the belief that cloves water, through the stimulation it gives to people during ovulation can cause one to have more eggs produced, increasing their chances of having twins.

Recommended – What are the Health Benefits Of Cloves To the Vagina?

3. Boosting libido. 

Testosterone levels are believed to be boosted when one gets to drink clove water regularly. Testosterone is the primary libido booster in both males and females. 

4. Eradicating premature ejaculation

Cloves water is also believed to help a man overcome premature ejaculation helping him become that “tiger” he is by enabling him to last longer in bed.

Parties also believe that the clove water’s active ingredient permeates the blood affecting the penis by keeping erections for long. 

5. Cloves used in traditional medicine

Apart from fertility uses, cloves are also great as their essential oils are used in traditional medicine as an anodyne (analgesic) mostly for dental emergencies and other illnesses. Clove essential oils may inhibit the growth of Enterococcus faecal bacteria, which is frequently found in root canal treatment failure. There is evidence that clove oil, which contains eugenol, is useful for toothache discomfort and other forms of pain.

6. Aid as an antioxidant 

Another one of the benefits of drinking clove water for fertility is that it can also help fight against free radicals, which can harm your cells and cause disease. The antioxidants in cloves come in handy to help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain malignancies by eliminating free radicals from your system.

7. Cloves for Vigina or “pussy” tightening

Cloves are believed by some to help women with loose vaginas tighten their privates for maximum stimulation and enjoyment. They advise women to soak cloves in a plastic bottle for three days; where they would notice the water turning brown.

Wash your private area after three days with water every morning and night. Cloves, being an antibacterial spice, aids in the tightening and removal of unpleasant odours.

How can you make a clove water recipe?

You can make the clove water recipe through the following process: 

  • Take 3 clove sticks and grind them to powder. 
  • After that, put up to 2 cups of drinking water in a clean pot and boil for about 15 minutes.
  • When boiled, remove the mix from the fire and let it cool.
  • Sieve the water out using a clean cloth or sieve. 
  • Your mix is now ready to drink. 

Some others just soak the cloves in drinking water for 24 hours and then drink them afterwards.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about cloves water

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

Can clove water help prevent pregnancy?

There is nowhere it has been proven that cloves water helps keep people from getting pregnant. You should get a proper contraceptive method to help you prevent pregnancy.

Does drinking clove water have any side effects?

Drinking clove water has never been reported to have any side effects. But if you feel funny after taking the mix, you should stop immediately and see your doctor. You can also put the word out to help others avoid the problem.

Can clove water be stored in the refrigerator?

Yes, you can store your leftover clove water mixture in the refrigerator or preserve it in ice in the freezer. All you have to do afterwards is let it defrost and boil again into a tea to get the potency going up again.