Wise Health Living

6 Foods That Make You Taste Sweeter

Top 6 Foods That Make You Taste Sweeter

When looking at the subject of “6 foods that make you taste sweeter”, one has to first understand that sex and sexuality have taken a turn in the past one or two decades. More people are now becoming conscious of their sex and sexuality and there has been a rise in divergent identification about people’s sexes and their sexual activity.

Apart from these things, many have now come to the consciousness and reality that sex is a very integral part of many romantic relationships. Sex is a pillar, a must-do to make relationships, either dating, courtship or marriage stand firmly.

Though there are divergent views on this phenomenon, especially looking at some moral, traditional and religious standpoints; even these sentiments get cleared out when one gets married.

People have been found to become more conscious about and perform more oral sex in the past two decades than ever. And this type of sex has come to stay.

Before we dive into the topic of the 6 foods that make you taste sweeter, let us first find out what oral sex is all about.

What is Oral Sex?

Oral sex is the act of using your mouth, lips or tongue to stimulate your partner’s genitals or in some cases, anus. One very special thing about this phenomenon is the fact that both men and women can give their partners oral sex.

Many people have different names they give this act. They call it “going down”, “giving a blow job”, “giving head”, “rimming”, 69 and so on.

With all these names mentioned, it is also worth noting that oral sex also has terminologies or names in medical science depending on how you do it.

Oral stimulation, involving licking or sucking the clitoris and other parts of the vagina, vulva, and clitoris on a woman is referred to as the cunnilingus, and oral stimulation involving licking or sucking the penis is referred to as the fellatio. Analingus is the term for oral sex that involves the anus.

Let us also use this medium to chip in that oral sex can be totally enjoyable only if you and your partner both agree to it, Oral sex may be a natural and joyful component of sex between couples. You can also engage in oral sex alone or in conjunction with other sexual acts (such as vaginal or anal intercourse).

There also is no “correct” technique to have oral sex with someone because everyone has various sexual preferences. Each pair of individuals must explore the details while using some ingenuity and open conversation. As a result, you must experiment and discover what your partner likes and dislikes.

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What are the Risks of Oral Sex?

As good as oral sex is, engaging in it without a condom or a dental dam has certain dangers. Unprotected oral sex between couples increases the risk of STD transmission.

Others are utterly repulsed by the concept of allowing a spouse to ejaculate in their mouth or ingesting their lover’s vaginal secretions.

Yet, there is a chance of STD transmission if either partner has one whenever pre-ejaculatory fluid, semen, or vaginal secretions enter the body, whether through the mouth or another entrance. It might be challenging to determine if someone is infected.

Sometimes persons with infections are completely unaware of them. Use a latex barrier, such as a flavoured condom or a dental dam, to lower your chance of contracting an STD when engaging in oral sex.

You’re more at risk of catching an STD from oral sex if you give rather than receive oral sex. Why is that? That is because you’re more likely to be exposed to genital fluids during the act. You are also more likely to contract these diseases if you have cuts, sores or ulcers in your mouth at the time of the act. Another way to become a victim of an STD during oral sex is if you don’t use protection like flavoured condoms or a dental dam.

There are a few STDs one can get from engaging in oral sex. They include oral herpes, the Human papillomavirus, Pubic lice or crabs, syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis A, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and so much more.

Now that we know the risks involved in oral sex, let us now explore.

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Top 6 Foods that make you Taste Sweeter

The following are some foods people (especially women) are advised to take these top 6 foods that make you taste sweeter:

1. Yoghurt

Loved by nearly all women, and readily available; yoghurt helps maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your pubic area. It also helps to balance the acid level in your vaginal secretions. The active live cultures in yoghurt will help neutralise the taste of the fluids in your “coochie”.

It is advisable for people to go for yoghurt brands that have properties like Lactobacillus.

2. Apples

High in antioxidants and fibre, and one very available fruit to buy, Apples are rich in nutrients and have many positive health effects. Apple is easily one of the top 6 foods that make you taste sweeter.

Believed to enhance orgasmic capacity, arousal, and sexual function, apples contain the phytoestrogen known as Phloridzin. In some people, decreased lubrication might result in a change in vaginal PH as well as an unpleasant odour.

It is also worth noting that apples have been associated with sex (especially as regards the female and the vagina) and many are known to use the word to refer to the sex organ in a more decent manner. 

3. Pineapples

Certainly one of the top 6 foods that make you taste sweeter, pineapples are believed to help balance the delicate pH levels of one’s vagina. Some believe that this makes their vagina taste sweeter. They also help maintain your vagina’s smell by keeping it healthy and preventing any infections.

Pineapples are acidic and they sure do have that effect on the vagina by making it acidic enough to prevent yeast infections and kill other bacteria-caused diseases.

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4. Watermelon

Easily accessible and popular amongst people, the watermelon has been seen as an unusual symbol for the vagina and it is believed that popular British singer, Harry Styles made reference to the fruit as a vagina in oral sex in his song, “watermelon sugar”.

Watermelon helps flush out the toxins from your system and helps keep your vagina clean; while also preventing infections and getting rid of foul odour and bad taste from your vaginal secretions.

Watermelon also contains prebiotics that can balance pH levels and promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your nether regions.

5. Tiger nuts

Tiger nuts are good for your vaginal health because it keeps the pH and vaginal flora balanced, which prevents diseases like bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. It could be eaten raw, or processed to extract the milk for drinking. Some people even go as far as putting it into food and grinding it into powder as additives into cakes and other food.

6. Oranges

Oranges are acidic, so they help kill yeast and bacterial infections in the vagina. Infections can lead to a smelly vagina with a weird taste from the secretions so this completely helps out in that regard. Apart from that, due to the high vitamin C content in oranges, the vaginal walls are encouraged to become moist, which facilitates easier entry during sexual activity. It gives the body stamina, which implies it might help it last for a long time during sexual activity.

In conclusion

There are other foods that are great for your overall vagina health and they include cinnamon, avocados, cranberries, guavas, kiwi fruits, lime, vegetables, whole grains like oatmeal quinoa and barley and so much more.

Taking good care of one’s vaginal health can also make one more comely to the opposite sex and surely gather up a good rep from your partner who will always know that your nether region is a top asset. This ultimately leads to more frequent and enjoyable sexual encounters as your guy would always want to go “down south” to “dine on your southern cuisine”. We sure hope that these 6 foods that make you taste sweeter really hit the spot.